How do they do this?

Well, now…apparently the Blogthings masterminds have taken residence inside my head.  While I’m not a flip-flop girl per se, I live in my Birks as soon as weather permits.  You Are Flip Flops You are laid back and very friendly. Cheery and sunny...

Tad’s a lucky man…!

…but the picture that goes with this quiz scares the snot outta me.  Would you wanna kiss THAT???  (fixed it 😉 ) Your Kisses Are Spicy and Wild Your kisses are powerful stuff. They’ll start a fire in almost anyone you kiss. You kiss with passion,...

Blogthings to the Rescue :)

On days when I’m more out than in, Blogthings sure is a fast and sometimes furious way to post some fun.  In honor of March being my birthday month, here’s the first one I chose: Your True Birth Month Is December LogicalPatrioticAmbitiousNot...

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