by Robin | May 5, 2016 | Do Something!, Family, Mom stuff, Mothers and daughters, On my soapbox, Parenting, Teens & Tweens, Uncategorized
An email shared with me today, from someone our family loves. I asked permission to post it here, hoping to share its heart-breaking message beyond his original recipients. Please read it as if your husband or father or brother or best friend wrote it;...
by Robin | Jan 9, 2015 | Humor, Personal, Teens & Tweens
I think it’s fair to blame it on the fact I’ve never before attended a fitness Boot Camp. Well, that, and my brain and body are offended by the 4:50am wake-up call to get to said Boot Camp on time. They just aren’t fully awake by 5:30....
by Robin | Oct 30, 2014 | 31 Days: Hints & Tips for College Bound Students, Parenting, Teens & Tweens, Uncategorized
I was surprised to learn something I hadn’t realized with our first two children, and now that I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it multiple times. And if we didn’t know this when we went through the college search with our oldest two,...
by Robin | Oct 13, 2014 | 31 Days: Hints & Tips for College Bound Students, Kids, Parenting, Teens & Tweens
With 2,870 four-year colleges in the US and an additional 1, 700+ two-year institutions, is there such thing as the “best” college for a student? When you’re in the throes of making a decision, it sure feels that way. Choosing well is important...
by Robin | Nov 19, 2013 | Family, Parenting, Teens & Tweens
One of my most popular posts of all time is my graduation gift ideas post; it’s a carefully curated list enthusiastically approved and eagerly endorsed by my children and their friends. My niece said, “It’s a great list, Aunt Robin–I...
by Robin | Sep 1, 2013 | (in)courage, Faith, Parenting, Teens & Tweens
And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. ~ Luke 15:20b NLT For as long as I can remember, I’ve butchered song lyrics. In Manfred Mann’s Earth Band’s...