by Robin | Aug 1, 2012 | Adventures in Germany, Europe, Personal, Photos, Travel, Traveling Red Dress
Who knew sweet Katie Couric was a THIEF? She STOLE the TRD from me! (Part one) A sister's tale aka Big Sisters are Bossy! (Part two) — I have no idea how many women have worn and been photographed in the original Traveling Red...
by Robin | Jul 31, 2012 | Adventures in Germany, Beauty, Family, Memoir, Personal, Traveling Red Dress
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~ Marion C. Garretty {continued from A Modern-day Fairytale} "One ringy-dingy…" She used to sit on the toilet – lid down – an adoring audience of one. I was the...
by Robin | Jul 30, 2012 | Adventures in Germany, Beauty, BIG Announcements, Blog friends, Blogging, Celebrations, Europe, Favorite things, Memoir, Personal, Photos, Traveling Red Dress
________________________________________________________________ I'm cracking up after she commanded me to "Wink!" Now those pictures are FUNNY because, news to me, I look like a circus freak when I wink… My sister took a thousand...