by Robin | Apr 8, 2010 | Blog Carnivals, Blogging, Ultimate Blog Party
Every Spring, Janice & Susan from 5 Minutes for Mom host the Ultimate Blog Party, a week-long blogging tradition designed to encourage "meaningful friendships that grow out of sharing who we are and getting to know one another." Because over 2000...
by Robin | Jan 12, 2010 | Kids, Mom stuff, Parenting, Teens & Tweens, Wordless Wednesday
One day I returned home to find my daughter's friends had graffitied the hall mirror at the top of our stairs…They're teenagers…and I haven't been able to bring myself to Windex their sweetness. Would you?{And, at least it wasn't the...
by Robin | Mar 10, 2009 | Animals, Family, Kids, Personal, Pets, Photos, Wordless Wednesday
Stephen, Jack & Wilson, March 2009. Shortly after I snapped the picture of golden lions and dirty nails, I had to reach for my camera again. I should just keep it strapped around my neck 24/7; 'cause really, truly, I'd rather wear Nikon bling...