by Robin | Aug 11, 2017 | Parenting
After the silence, sound is different. It’s not necessarily better or worse, it’s just different. Maybe it’s more about discernment; being careful about what you’re listening to, who you’re listening to. And I’m not talking...
by Robin | Jun 2, 2016 | Art of Simple, Beauty, Empty Nest, Encouragement, Family, friendship, Home, Love Where You Live, Memoir, Mom stuff, Nostalgia, Parenting, Personal, Uncategorized
A week ago we sold the house my children will always remember as home, the one they will dream about when they are the age I am now, when sleep makes them think they are young again. We’ve packed and we’ve purged and we’ve cried – a lot –...
by Robin | Aug 6, 2015 | Memoir, Nostalgia, Parenting, Personal, Uncategorized
? (Thank you!) I’m not a cry-er. I chalk it up to using a lot of my Lifetime Tear Quota when my mom died the spring of ’72 and my beloved grandmother the summer after. Nothing hurts more than losing the ones you love most. Scraping my little...
by Robin | Jun 12, 2015 | Uncategorized
Sometimes, in a burst of inspiration, you come up with an idea that’s too wonderful to keep to yourself. For almost a year, I’ve been saving something special for (in)courage: a beautiful way to encourage your children or friends who are working for a summer...
by Robin | Jun 11, 2015 | Faith, Family, Memoir, Personal, Uncategorized
Friends keep asking me how I’m doing. It’s an understandable question, I suppose, given this is the summer Everything Changes. And maybe I’m misreading all those furrowed brows and sympathetic nods, but I’d swear it seems like they imagine me...