by Robin | Mar 14, 2008 | Advice, Blog Carnivals, Great ideas!, Home, Personal, Photos, WFMW
For me to suggest organizing tips, imagine Donald Trump speaking on humility or Britney Spears offering parenting advice. The thought is outrageously funny. Almost two years ago, I attended Youniquely Woman, promoted as an adult finishing...
by Robin | Jul 24, 2006 | Faith, Uncategorized, Women
…or a husband of one, mark your calendar. You’ll want to attend (or make plans for your wife to attend). The fall Youniquely Woman conference, that is. It’s a kind of “finishing school” for adult women (18-45), and I have to admit,...
by Robin | Mar 31, 2006 | Uncategorized
The Youniquely Woman conference may be over, but thankfully Kay Arthur, Emilie Barnes, and Donna Otto gathered the information into a book for those who couldn’t attend. Be sure to grab a copy as soon as you can. I’m so glad we were able to get a group...
by Robin | Mar 30, 2006 | Uncategorized
I’ve lost my voice, my allergies are raging, I’m dead-dog tired,my brain is exploding, b u t * * * my heart is full! No, make that overflowing. I’m still at Finishing School–it goes from 8 in the morning until past my bedtime. But even though...
by Robin | Mar 29, 2006 | Uncategorized
I’m at a pilot conference this week at Precept International, Youniquely Woman. It’s a week-long finishing school of sorts. Sessions are led by Kay Arthur, Emilie Barnes and Donna Otto, three new “best friends” ;).For now, gotta tell ya the...