by Robin | Aug 15, 2009 | Family, Personal, Photos
A container of bubbles might just be the answer to World Peace… July, 2009, Clemson's Bowman field. Entertainment provided by wide open spaces and the whimsy of cousins at play.There are enough smiles in one bottle to illumine Times Square…...
by Robin | Jun 9, 2009 | Food and Drink, Friends, Personal, Photos, Wordless Wednesday
June, 2009, my back patio. Fresh fruit, the perfect taste of summer. It was almost too pretty to eat…a l m o s t ;).Oh, and why the heck would I add the word "skulduggery" to this post title? Because my friend who brought us the fruit...
by Robin | Mar 17, 2009 | Photos, SXSW
Texans are PROUD of their Tex-Mex…looking at this, is it any question why?? Thanks to Lisa Reid (& hubby, Robert), for treating us to a wonderful start to our SXSW adventure. After noticing their red HOT Izea hats during a shared elevator ride,...