by Robin | Feb 8, 2010 | Family, Humor, Kids, Mom stuff, Parenting
My 12-year-old son: "I'm glad I don't have a girlfriend for two reasons…."Me (glad he doesn't have a girlfriend for ANY reason): "Oh yeah? How come?"Son: "One, I don't have a cell phone. ...
by Robin | Jan 15, 2010 | Family, Humor, Kids, Parenting, Personal
Realizing I was out of coffee tonight angrily demanded I make a grocery run when it was the last thing in the world I wanted to do. Well, a much uglier fate would have been not discovering our dilemma until morning–hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...
by Robin | Nov 28, 2009 | Family, Humor, Teens & Tweens, youtube ROCKS!
As a mom to two teens and a tween, oh, how I feel their pain when unsightly blemishes pop up. When it's worse than a pimple or two, I'd be willing to take 'em on the chin (and cheeks and nose and forehead and…) if it meant my kids wouldn't...
by Robin | Nov 25, 2009 | Family, Fathers and daughters, Humor, Parenting, Personal
One of my happiest childhood memories is licking the bowl. Didn't matter whether it was a batch of cookies or batter for a cake, there was something deliciously forbidden about swirling my index finger around the rim of the bowl and savoring the sticky...
by Robin | Oct 12, 2009 | Blogging, Favorite things, Friends, friendship, Kitchen, Party, Personal, Photos
I'm hosting a party on Friday for one of the silliest reasons on the planet. Once upon a time I would buy anything if it was on sale for at least 75% off. With great enthusiasm I would justify rationalize explain to my husband...