by Robin | May 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
I suppose I’ve had a case of Irregular Blog Syndrome for years now, posting sporadically and with increasing infrequency with the exception of my monthly (and beloved) posts for . Daily postings were once my norm and practice, hard to believe in today’s...
by Robin | Nov 1, 2018 | #OYTO, (in)courage
Soon enough I’ll share some thoughts about what I learned by writing a book (surprising lessons, by the way), but for now, I’m coming out of my deep, deep book-writing hole to share something that well may be one of those “” President...
by Robin | Mar 8, 2018 | Compassion - India, Compassion Bloggers, Compassion International, Good causes, Inspiring, Love Gifts, Personal, Uncategorized
I’m sitting at my kitchen table where the sun is piercing filthy windowpanes, a thing I notice in the morning but forget by noon’s shadow. A ladybug sits on the sill, I’m assuming dead. Our home is a death spiral for pretty bugs dressed in red with...
by Robin | Nov 28, 2017 | Inspiring, Life Philosophy, Love Gifts, On my soapbox, Personal
I love Holly Hunter. An Academy Award- and Emmy-winning actress, she seems to take any role and make it memorable; she dies to self while her characters come to life. I appreciate her talent, sure, but maybe tipping the scale for my fangirldom is the fact she’s...
by Robin | Dec 1, 2015 | Love Gifts, Uncategorized
I often find myself thinking about opportunity cost within the context of people and time and not just economics. If I do this, then I can’t do that. This and that can mean a lot of different things. If we spend the holidays with my in-laws, I miss seeing...