by Robin | May 15, 2013 | Mom stuff, Parenting, Teens & Tweens, Uncategorized
Looking for graduation (or anytime) gift ideas for college or high school students? Starting at just $10, you’re bound to get some great ideas for every price range from the list below (or check here for even more ideas). One Line a Day: A Five-Year...
by Robin | Dec 7, 2012 | (in)courage, Family Traditions, Favorite things
One of my favorite things to do is to gift someone I love with something I know they'll love: Surcies, little love gifts, the value of which is seeded in the thoughtfulness of the gift, not its pricetag. It's why giving a...
by Robin | May 18, 2011 | Advice, Christmas, Kids, Mom stuff, Parenting, Teens & Tweens
The BEST list of high school/college graduation gift ideas for guys and girls I’ve seen. And…you don’t have to click through an annoying slide show to see everything! List below is updated for 2020 and for an even MORE extensive list of vetted...
by Robin | Aug 22, 2009 | Favorite things, Giveaways, Home, Kitchen
CONGRATULATIONS TO Stacey at Tree, Root & Twig!!! Thanks to all who commented, tweeted, facebooked and/or stumbled–you're all winners for having discovered Cambria Cove, right? (keep them in mind for future shopping!). BTW, I loved your stories...
by Robin | Jan 11, 2009 | Family, Memoir, Personal
My father was notorious for imaginative gift-giving, particularly in the last years of his life. Rarely the one to act on a suggestion, if he saw something he thought you needed, he’d get it; never you mind, it was something you couldn’t even sell on Ebay!...