A collection of links I love, sites I like, things to do and interesting reads.

My happy place is the beach.

Beach Collage - Robin Dance


It matters not which beach so much, only that it has plenty of sand and surf.  I’ve just returned from a week of watching the sun rise over the Atlantic every morning, and if you’ve never seen that Show Spectacular, add it to your Bucket List. 

We’ll see if I can get into a rhythm of writing again with the start of the school year, but until then, here are a few things I’ve seen you might want to check out, too.

What I Want My Daughters To Know About My Wedding – My friend Kristen slam dunks this one; the post went viral for a reason.  A lovely contrast between simplicity and extravagance, a wedding day and marriage for life. My favorite part might have been seeing so many of my non-blogging friends from all seasons of life sharing it! Read it and reconsider picture perfect.

Cough. Breathe. Cancer. Dance. – Shawn Smucker can flat right out write. This one published on Deeper Story is liable to jerk tears so tread carefully.

AlizaLatta_LivePrintOne of incourage’s newest contributors, Aliza Latta, is the same age as my middle son and I’m crushing on her in ev-er-y way. I had the pleasure of meeting her when the author team traveled to DaySpring headquarters last month, and this beautiful artist is on her way to Big Things.  Please check out her online shop and BUY something!  It won’t cost you much, you’ll be receiving a stunning piece of word art, and you will fill her tank with encouragement.  Then introduce her to YOUR friends and family.

One of my long-time blog friends, Deidra Riggs, spear-headed a retreat year before last and she’s bringing it back again, kicking and screaming. Deidra’s writing sometimes leaves me breathless and always inspires me. Check out Jumping Tandem retreat details and strongly consider attending. I’m wishing I could go, wondering how to make it happen (but hurry, it WILL sell out!).

Shawn Smucker is getting a second mention, this time at his personal blog. With a gentle hand, in Why I Don’t Instagram Alcohol Anymore, he got me to thinkin’ and changin’. It reminds me of pieces I’ve written and choices I’ve made for which it can be said, “Just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.”

The past few summers my baby girl attended and later interned at H.E.A.R.T., an incredible missionary training facility that anyone considering missions work in third world countries should attend–especially of value to those who might romanticize what missions work entails.  She wrote a letter to a close friend and mentor who works at HEART, and with my daughter’s permission, Heather published most of it on their website. If you know my daughter or know about her through my writing, you might enjoy a peek into her first three weeks in the Philippines. Of course, this was before the typhoon swept through when we didn’t know where she was or how she was doing for a few days….


Bonus? You get to see another Aliza Latta print!!

What am I in to these days? Fringe fridge magnets…I might have a slight addiction to them.  But see how adorable they are?  HOW CAN I HELP BUT WANT THEM **ALL**?? (Forgive me…I’m not a hoarder of much these days, but these are hard to resist…)

Is ballet a sport? Holy heck, watch this video by Under Armour and decide.  Zero percent body fat, muscles made of steel and total body control. Stunning.



Your turn: What have you read or seen or done that I need to read or see or do? Please share in comments!!

Lisa Leonard Designs on sale? Yes, please! Limited quantities so don’t wait!

Lisa Leonard ON SALE!!

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