If you’re already beginning to feel the onset of cabin fever brought on by the coronavirus (and I pray no one in your family has COVID-19), I have one helpful solution while you’re quarantined: the  (aka “the best little book club in the whole world…according to me)!  Submit your email and you’ll receive the introductory video right away, and then another weekly for the next five weeks. (in)courage community manager, Becky Keife, and  I worked hard to create meaningful content to serve all readers, and we believe in these bewildering times you will be encouraged and inspired, and your faith, strengthened.

An added bonus? You can right now!

My editor explained it this way: As a whole, LifeWay is trying to better equip those stuck at home by offering them some helpful and encouraging things to read while in such difficult and confusing times. To that end, we’ve carefully chosen some products that might genuinely help…People have reached out to LifeWay for resources amidst all the crises we find ourselves in, and we really want to meet that need.

When I wrote , no one…no one… could have predicted today’s turmoil! But God knew…He wasn’t caught by surprise. And that a book I wrote in obedience to His calling and timing, that might serve someone who’s struggling right now? Well…I’m humbled and honored and expectant to see God touching lives in miraculous ways! Not because there’s power in anything I’ve written; but because I point to the One who’s all powerful, and He’s willing to meet every Wanderer right where they are.

Because we’ve all been banished to our homes for the foreseeable future, I’m especially thankful for all the ways the internet can provide a means of connection, a sense of community, and access to learning something new. I don’t want to while away this time mindlessly scrolling social media or striking up a new gaming addition (Words With Friends, you won’t get me back!), but I DO want to take advantage of opportunities that will nurture my faith, inspire me to be creative, or help me in my writing career. I no longer have kids at home, and since all my regular activities are cancelled for now, I’m excited about all the possibilities.

Like the For Book Club! Please, please join us, and when you have time, share your thoughts right here (or in comments to this post). I will personally read and respond to every email or comment I receive because your thoughts are so important to me!

YOUR TURN: Besides joining the book club,
what are you doing to occupy your time while sequestered?
Truly…YOUR answers will give ME new ideas! 

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