From incourage: Being human is hard. Being in relationships with other humans is even harder. People are complex. We have differences, we argue, we just plain disagree – even with people we love. Whether navigating political or religious differences, dealing with toxic people or our own unforgiveness, Come Sit With Me tackles the struggles no one really wants to talk about. This book, authored by 26 diverse (in)courage writers, will show how you can grow closer to God and others directly through the circumstances you’d rather run from. If you’re tempted to give up on people, Come Sit With Me will show you there’s a better way. Instead of giving up, learn to delight in your differences, love through your disagreements, and yes, even live with discomfort.
Come Sit With Me releases next week and has been y e a r s in the making. Behind the scenes at incourage, we’ve know it was the sort of book that everyone would want to read, but no one would want to write. There are incredible pre-order incentives — a free ebook for Empowered, and the audiobook of Come Sit With Me so you can listen when reading isn’t convenient.
I’ll tell you more about the chapter I wrote for this book soon. What I’ll mention now is that “The Question That Changes Everything” was extremely hard to write, it’s personal (it dealt with my father’s last 14 months of life and the relational challenges that resulted during that season), but I believe what I learned through the process is worthy of sharing because it might just help or encourage someone else.
That’s why I’m excited to get this book in readers’ hands and why chapter contributors were willing to “go there,” hard places that we would’ve rather not re-visited. I think each of us in our own way felt like the Lord was asking us to trust Him in sharing our stories to encourage others.
Your pre-order not only earns you the wonderful early-buy incentives, but it also will make Come Sit With Me more visible to more people. I hope you’ll pick up your copy today!
Check out for more information.