When Bloglines tops 1,000 reads (and you’ve even been opening pages every day with the intent of reading and commenting…). And, for goodness sake, I haven’t read James’ sixth chapter of The Cheaters and it’s been up since Monday, and I’ve been hanging on his weekly cliff since LAST Monday!
Yep, the kids are on Spring Break this week, and although we’re sticking close to home, they’re enjoying
their friends and lazy days. I sure do wish I had the ability to sleep late–especially when Mr. Insomnia challenges Mr. Sandman to a duel between the wee hours of 2:00 and 5:00 a.friggin.m.–but, alas, I’m bright-eyed (not so much) and bushy-tailed (very much so, although I don’t exactly know what that means…it just seems to describe me…:O ) before Ms. Sunshine peeks over the horizon.
That being said, I’m keeping this brief (I hear the thunderous applause) in order to visit you guys today. It has been all I could do to write a little something everyday, commenting has been next to nil. It’s doubtful you’ve noticed my "absence", but just in case, I wanted you to know what was going on. To repeat the sentiment of a blogmate of mine from down under, it’s not that I’m ignoring anybody, I’m ignoring everybody.
If you haven’t heard from me in a while, scroll down and comment to Thomas’ pee post…or the asparagus pee post, and remind me how much you miss my thought-provoking and scintillating comments. That will assure I’ll be over to your place in no time.
Or just award me some prize. Apparently, I can be bought very cheaply ;).
I don’t know if anyone’s told you this lately, but you are really, seriously, giggle-from-the-gut funny.
Oh — and those same wee-hour duals seem to happen for my husband too.
Have a great spring break.
Ah, so that’s what the new incoming link notification was about 🙂
I’m terrible at reading blogs and particularly bad at commenting on all of them. My list has grown humongous and though I prune them every once in a while I find that I can’t bring myself to delete most of them.
Maybe some day I’ll find a job where someone pays me to blog and read blogs all day…
Kellilicious…that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me….all day ;).
James, I had to think about what you just wrote (lol–link notification). I really should prune my bloglines instead of constantly adding. My husband encourages me to “practice loss” in life (ummmm, my closet…:/), but I’m not great at it there, either.
I’ll fight you for THAT job, btw!
Aha, that explains it! Spring break, of course. My kids are officially out.of.the.house as of a few weeks ago, and I plum forgot how much SB affects ones’ abibilty to function “normally.” Thanks for all your comments over at my place–Wow, appreciate it under the circumstances. I hope you make it through the rest of the week… will check back again soon. :~)
I am having trouble keeping up with my blog and my reads as well!!
E-mom, but I’d bet it’s bittersweet, huh? Are they at nearby?
JanJan, I resemble that remark :).
Well, when people stop blogging for a couple of days, it gives the rest of us time to catch up….
HOWEVER, for some reason, the Cheaters, Part 6 was NOT lighting up on my bloglines. So, I didn’t even know it was ready for reading.
So… you can be bought cheaply, huh? LOL! I know the feeling. I had my hands full with SB last week.
And when Mr. Insomnia comes back, just give him some melatonin 😉
Oh, Robin! I don’t know how I’ll go on without your comments! It’s the one bright spot in my day! If you don’t comment, I’ve got no reason to go on blogging! This is more than my little heart can bear!!!
Too much?
MikeY, I like prizes and winning, and it rarely matters what they are…I just like the novelty and notoriety. Heck, a pounder of Peanut M&Ms would make me smile BIGTIME :D!
Hmmmm, melatonin, can you get a prescription for that??
Susan, so THAT’S why you went on a blogging hiatus–you MISSED ME so much! 🙂
But, durn…is that what this post SOUNDS like? Like I think people care whether or not I leave comments??!? Durn…maybe I’LL go on a friggin’ bloggin’ hiatus :/….FINE! 🙁 Hmmmph!
(For the record, just so there’s NO question :), to anyone who reads the above and wonders, Susan is one of my FAVORITE NUMERO UNO peeps in cyberspace).
I heart you too, Robin 😉
And, yes, I thought of the irony of my “pee” post happening so soon after yours – guess we’re just a couple of “pee” brains!
I know. That was bad :\