How could I not love someone who writes this to me:
"I love reading your blog. It’s not the same as talking to you. But I check it
everyday and usually I laugh out right especially when you are exposing your
family life."
And this….:
"…[our friendship} is still such a treasure to me to have this relationship even though it’s not
nurtured the way it once was. I feel that even through distance our spirits are
connected and there is honesty and vulnerability and kindredness that are so
unique to us and it really is a treasure."
Heartfelt wishes to the friend who never tells me what I wanna hear…even when it hurts :).
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Looking for Fun Monday instructions? Please scroll down a few posts, you’ll find it below :). Even if you’ve never FunMondayed before, THIS is a GREAT week to begin! By letting the www see you at your WORST! 🙂
yeah.. HP to Erin, whoever you are!!!!!!
Any friend of Robin’s is a friend of mine.
RO-BIN! You little sweetie, you! Thank you for the wonderfully BEAUTIFUL sentiment on your sidebar – you brought TEARS TO MY EYES!
Ninety-five percent of my blood relatives live in Tennessee, so I know it’s a BIG, BIG, BIG deal to put Hokie colors on your sidebar. At least ORANGE is one of their colors, right?
Oh, yeah…HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERIN!!!! I think EVERYONE needs a friend like you 😉
P.S. I “heart” you, too Robin.
Wow!!! I’m pubished!!….Well, not really, but it sure feels like it.
I’m truly honored Robin. What more could a friend ask for. I feel so loved. Thank you soooo much.
Heart, Me
Robin, great………I meant, I’m published. (I really can spell, dang it)
Pamela, I love Happy Pirthdays :)…Erin will love your greeting (she can’t spell either).
Susan…what can I say? You…are “special” in a thousand ways :).
Erin, 🙂 🙂 🙂 I was hoping you’d see this today. I’ve been gone ALL FRIGGIN’ weekend, so I’ll call not today (lol)…this’ll have to do in the meantime.
And for the record, I didn’t even notice the typo, lol. Which TELLS you how wiped out I really am…:/.