Everyone should check their stats now and then…it’s ALWAYS good for a laugh to know how freaks scary curious people on a mission find your blog. For instance, I just learned I’ve provided a public service to googlers. Someone searched "embarrassing cheerleader leg kick picture" and the FIRST link that pops up on page one is THIS.
I’m sure they were disappointed they didn’t find girls in short skirts, but they were treated to some embarrassing pictures, and I sincerely hope the "flyin’ monkey hair do" gave them a smile.
Other than that, searches weren’t that over the top on this recent check–"heroin Mary Englebreit" (I will NEVER believe that’s where she gets her inspiration!), "why drink coffee with dessert" (I couldn’t agree more), "will ferrell living the dream clip" (which dream is that?), "kotex maxi pad blog" (I beg your pardon…!), "embarrassing clothing" (did I have to show up on the first few posts for this, too?), "cannot make a decision" (and you’ve come to ME for advice? and THIS is what you find instead???), "uvula stuck to tonsil" (that’s totally thanks to Susan, I have NEVER actually written about uvulas stuck to tonsils), "perm stylist story parked hair salon rods" (that makes NO sense to me, but IMHO I bet MY story is the best one they found!).
Why is it the only common word I’m seeing in this batch is "embarrassing"?
I shall have to explore my stats a bit more thoroughly and see if they throw up anything interesting!!
Those are some doozies! I don’t get too many weird ones, but one of my favorite recent ones was “how to shoot up dilaudid.” And NO, I had not blogged about how to do that. Okay, I did talk about my great love for dilaudid when I had emergency surgery a few years ago, but there was no shooting up involved. 😉
Mine aren’t too bad or scary. They were searching for Indonesia (I had mentioned watching a show about it), and the Wildlife Explorer Binders my boys have, and Greg from The Wiggles, and “Batman symbol or teeth” LOL, and Max Lucado, and “coloring picture for preschool” and “9 year old wears size 5”. I’m curious about the Batman teeth.
How DOES one check the stats? I’d be interested to see!
Those are great! Someone found my blog when they searched for “the crocodile who ate 800 people”. You gotta love that!
enidd was very worried recently by the people searching for “does beetroot turn my sperm pink.” she’s even more worried that they thought she’d know (but now she’s posted on it, she does. sigh.)
My all time favorite still stand on my blog
Making bird calls by farting.
nothing has surpassed this one yet.
Heehee, you crack me up!
My latest was “what’s a farkle?”
A gift from me to you:
“chesty love”
“where are the bugs in my spagetti noodles”
“genital tattoos”
You’re welcome.
The search terms for my blog are so LAME compared to yours! You racy lady you;))
I found you not through a search, but through a mention from another blog, most likely Kellie’s myrambles.wordpress.com.