Revised 7/5 ~ "C o n t e s t" (that word being used very loosely) ends on Sunday. And I’ve decided the prizes aren’t lame at all…they’re reeeallly good and will be highly coveted…so if you haven’t left a dazzling or poetic comment, it’s not too late. And if you’re not so creative…remember…I CAN be bought ;).
1) Does anyone remember seeing this hanging "down under" around a month of "Fun Mondays" ago?
It’s probably familiar to a fair number of people who visit Robin’s little Pensieve, or at least to those who participate in Fun Monday. It’s a prize I "w o n" when I resorted to bribery and demonstrated my imaginative contest-guessing prowess over at "A Dingo’s got my Barbie" aka Willowtree. I had actually seen this bag when Willowtree asked us to post pictures of our blogging environments way back in February and commented on it then (it, or one like it, was hanging on a bookcase in his office). Apparently he’s got a mind like a steel trap and that was my prize for his recent non-contest contest.
Thanks, Peter, it’ll be going with us to the beach this week…it arrived just in time to make the trip:).
Oh…and for those of you who followed the dueling Photoshop expose’ soap opera between Willow and Marnie (ummm… adult- rated, so I didn’t link the actual posts…and really, it’s only fun(ny) to those who know those two knuckleheads)(and by "know" I guess I mean read with some regularity), he included an invisible letter with additional insight–they’ll be announcing their engagement soon, and something about kicking some "fashionista dirty uncle’s" behind….not real sure what he was talkin’ about.
2) Jenny is one of my favorite "Mamas", so when she begged me (see comments) to share a few decorating secrets with her, how could I say no…yes? She even brought Victor with her to take a look around. Here’s the paint recipe straight from the horse’s mouth (well, if a horse could talk, and by horse, of course, I mean paint can…except they can’t talk either, so why do people say that??).
3) What’s a
"Festivus" without "airing of grievances"? But instead of grievances, how about a little contest. And by little, I mean little. What is this contest, pray tell? Well…let’s see…we’re headed out of town on an annual pilgrimage to Kiawah Island. My blog will be lonely. There are no scheduled posts, no guest bloggers. Won’t you keep her company? Please? Make me do a little happy dance when I get home and see your smiling faces wonderfully creative comments?
What’s the contest? Best comment wins. Best conversation in comments wins. Best poem in comments wins. Is that specific enough? What do you win?
Let’s let that be a surprise, she says rather slyly because I have no idea at the moment.
Have a great week, y’all. Sure, I’m still discombobulated, but the beach is the BEST cure for discombobulation…I’m sure of that! 😀
Chop, chop, get chur comments on!
No, that’s the actual bag that was in the photo.
I think you should photograph that bag in various fun activities on your trip to Kiawah.
(I may have to come up with a limerick with that name)
Love it. Now I just have to convince victor to let me paint. Maybe if I start with a closet?
ooh, Robin, you should come down to FL. Weather is a hot humid and glorious 80s with beaming hot sun, and the water us blue, warm, and gorgeous. Life is good.
Have fun! (I’m saving the creative comments for later.)
Peter, Cool…I have your DNA now ;).
Pamela, I like that idea…stay tuned!
Jenny, Definitely! And, then, you should come out of the closet ;)!
Claudia, I’m with ya in spirit, Girlie-Q…ENJOY!
Min, I sooo hope you come up with SOMETHING! This “contest” doesn’t look like much of one right now…:).
There’s nothing like the prospect of [cheap and symbolic] good prizes to lure a lonely lurker out of the shadows and into the light. So…okay…you’re looking for “best comment” or “best conversation in comments” or “best poem in comments.” Just how many gauntlets are you throwing down, Robin of Gatorville?
I guess I’ll just have to reach for all three.
First, a poem. A limerick seems to fit your blogging style (thank you sir Edward Lear for popularizing this form – Haiku can be so boring). Here’s one to celebrate your recent brush with death.
There once was a girl from Nantucket…
Hmm…I can wend my words to a final line featuring “kick the bucket”…but methinks the journey to that phrase might be more dangerous than yours on the 17th hole. Let me try again.
This Robin who blogs under “Pensieve”
Would have had to become quite defensive
If that gator she chased
Liked PJs (the taste)
And where would that leave us? (not festive)
Okay, maybe not.
“Yeah, it was lame. Stick to haiku.”
“Haiku. 5 7 5.”
I know what it is.
“Then just get to it.”
Fine. Here…
A blogging contest
The promise of good prizes
For this, a poem.
You could do better?
“Just watch the master at work…
She scoffs at danger
Gators and nightgowned strangers
Your poem scares her.”
Very funny.
Okay. That’s all I’ve got. Crawling back into the shadows now…
Steve, WHOA NELLIE, you can de-lurk anytime with a comment like that!! Geez….how do I respond to that??
Y’all keep ’em coming…it’s a bright spot in my rainy day :). (Actually, we’re having fun in spite of the rain, I just wanna whine a little 🙂 )(Hmmm, maybe I should WINE a little 😉 ).
It has been raining here too. Green grass in July for once instead of brown. 🙂
in the 90’s here yesterday. I worked in the yard.
When we went to the beach the previous weekend it rained.
However, rain on the oregon coast is almost a given!!!
Thank goodness there are no alligators.
Okay, I made up a joke just for this occasion:
Robin decided to take a little vacation one day. She didn’t want her blog to become stagnant so she encouraged bloggers, readers, lurkers, etc. to leave little creative pieces in the comments section just to keep things exciting.
At one point a very interesting comment was left on her site. It must’ve been some lurker, but whoever it was described in detail all the jewelry they had on their left hand. It was signed RM.
“Who is this chick?” Robin e-mailed her friend Swampwitch.
“That’s not a chick,” Swampy said. “That’s the ring man. He likes jewelry.”
“Don’t we all,” Robin said.
A few days later, Robin got another long comment from RM. This time he described all the jewelry on his right hand.
“That guy is back,” Robin told Swampy. “What’s the deal?”
“Relax…” Swampy told her.
“The Ring Man always posts twice!”
In a blatent attempt to stuff the ballot box (and at risk of overstaying my welcome), I offer yet another Haiku. [And for the record, even though I referred to myself as such, I’m not a “pure” lurker. I did post a comment or two a few weeks ago.]
Here it is, in honor of the weather:
scattered thunderstorms
wet bikers on vacation
Spandex repels rain
this is exactly how I met you Robin — comment on my posts, please (that may be a parphrase) & I read everone of them — you’ve come a long way girlie ;0
Because she’s so kind hearted,
E’er she even parted,
Robin left us with the task of commenting in her blog.
And whilst enjoying her vacation,
She shared the situation
Of a giant alley-gator from the bog.
And so I think I’ll nerve it,
Even though I don’t deserve it,
And hope to win whate’er the prize may be.
Perhaps she will take pity
On my silly little ditty
While I’m busy building my Texas-sized ark, you see.
How’s that?
I won’t even try to compete with those poems – but do remember I made you my Delight of the Week!!!!!
I just read your Fun Monday and this contest and I’m feeling a bit schizo right now. I think I need to read your blog when I have had time to charge my brain cells. click here, read here, click, click, read there. Phew! I’m tired.
Wow, I got nothin’ to compete with these…
It is H.O.T. here – going to be over 100 today.
Happy 4th to all.
Hmm…the competition for [cheap and symbolic] good prizes is indeed heating up. Since my brain needs a break from my real work, I thought I could waste a few more minutes offering up a fourth poem to keep things interesting.
And so, in the (mostly) anapestic tetrameter (thank you Wikipedia) style of the inimitable (yet here I am imitating him) Theodor Seuss Geisel, I present this:
To win a good prize is a challenging test
It requires special skills (or just being a pest)
So I offer this poem to go with the rest
And I hope it’s just right, that it’s one of the best
But if not I will comfort my soul with this truth
Rediscovering the meter of Seuss from my youth
Was enjoyment enough (I liked being a sleuth)
…Or perhaps I’ll just mix up some gin and vermouth
(To be recited with southern drawl)
A Kiawah Limeriiiiiiiick
There once was a huntress of repTILE
Who tracked a big gator in high STYLE
with her great camera skills
captured video and stills
and found her PJ’s were most vers-a-Tile
Oh, you mean we have to write the poem???
Harumph! I was going to share one of my very fav. childhood poets, A. A. Milne.
So I think I will anyway. Don’t ja just think this is just the cutest? These are the opening lines from “The King’s Breakfast.”
The King asked
The Queen, and
The Queen asked
The Dairymaid:
“Could we have some butter for
The Royal slice of bread?”
The Queen asked the Dairymaid,
The Dairymaid
Said, “Certainly,
I’ll go and tell the cow
Before she goes to bed.”
The Dairymaid
She curtsied,
And went and told the Alderney:
“Don’t forget the butter for
The Royal slice of bread.”
The Alderney said sleepily:
“You’d better tell
His Majesty
That many people nowadays
Like marmalade
The rest is of this charming rhyme is here.
A fun contest! Love your alligator and fireworks pics. Enjoy yourself sis!
Hugs, e-Mom
e-mom, I had forgotten that poem! I had a little recording of it on a 45 record when I was a child.
Thanks for bringing back some great memories.
Hmm I don’t get that poem, but here’s something.
She offered him honour,
He honoured her offer.
All night he was
On ‘er and off ‘er