One of the more compelling…telling…and mind-blowing links I’ve seen (this is one NOT to skip).
Makes me want to do something, although what, I’m not sure. The way I see it, something is better than nothing…right? For the most part, the numbers represent LIVES, marginalized to a statistic.
Which is something I hope I never do to people with whom I come into contact.
HT to someone I’ve only recently begun reading, but she’s sharp in oh! so many ways! (Thanks, Lisa.)
Makes me want to go to another site 🙂 Way too busy for me. All those gizmos updating makes me dizzy.
Ouch! I didn’t see sinus infection, abcessed tooth, or migraine listed there.
I’m going back to bed.
Mike, that’s just ’cause it blew your mind ;).
Swampy, :(, dang, girlie-Q, I’m bringing you some homemade chicken doodle soup (it does a body good!).
I had to close that link – it was too much to comprehend
I liked it SO much, I did a post on it too!! Kind of fun gadget!
Pamela, funny, it captivated me!
Becky, howdy :). Glad you liked it.
Good grief. That is seriously eye-opening. Pretty frightening, really…
It is captivating, but depressing at the same time. Especially when I sat and watched it for a while…. I didn’t realize that so many bicycles were being made.
It really did marginalize lives. I think society does that a lot. Every now and then I kind of wake up and think- that was someone’s mother/father/sister/brother….friend.
Kelly, sounds like you saw it like I did…
Beckie, it was odd? interesting? at least intriguing what statistics were chosen…bikes manufactured? One of the stranger ones on the list (to me).
You also reminded me about the news in general… We hear reports of lives lost in war or accidents or murder or you name it, and we barely hear. But when it involves someone we know, everything changes.
Wow. Just….wow.
It’s overwhelming.