…is a COOKIE!! 🙂

Look what I received in the mail this week from Chris (aka Ms Cellania) as she "paid it forward" to me and two other lucky ducks–


My children were impressed  she sent them all the way from England and they thought it was funny she called them "biscuits" (ummm…me, too:) ). 

They arrived on a warm afternoon, so the dark chocolate was all soft and gooey.  One set of cookies arrived intact, but the others were rather crumbly; the best part was it didn’t matter, they tasted yummy and it was a lovely gesture from a thoughtful blogmate. 

I thought I’d dress ’em up to show you; do you have a red "Special Plate"?  We received this as a wedding gift almost 20 years ago…and since Chris made me feel special for sending homemade biscuits, it seemed fitting to serve them on something…well….special!

Thank you, Chris!

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