This was a shot of me and Tad minutes after we arrived at Hermitage Bay on Monday.  In spite of the 40-minute INSANE taxi ride from the airport…in spite of having sweated through the streets of Old San Juan earlier in the day, don’t we look giddy with anticipation?


In just a few hours we have to go home.  We’re not quite so giddy with anticipation about that (although, gosh I miss my babies–this is the longest I’ve ever been away from all three of them at the same time).
There’s no place like home….but there’s no place like Hermitage Bay either.
LOTS more coming soon…

Before we head out for a last few minutes in paradise, for fun, look what else greeted us on our arrival–

Icy, wet washcloths—mmmmmm, who knew wet terry cloth could feel SO good?


…and virgin mojitos…Cuban-inspired liquid refreshment :).


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