Bacony, biscuity, oniony, Swiss cheesery, and (gulp) tomatoey snack GLORIOSITY–

The means to the end:
- 1 10-count can biscuits
- 1 pound bacon, crisp-fried, crumbled
- 2 small or 1 large tomato, seeded, chopped
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 6 ounces Swiss cheese, shredded
- 1/2-1 cup mayonnaise, enough to bind the ingredients
- 2 teaspoons basil
Preheat oven to 375ºF. Spray mini-muffin cups with non-stick cooking spray.
Separate biscuits; cut into quarters.
Note: I’ve always wondered if there was a difference in taste/texture between plain buttermilk biscuits and the flaky layer version; I bought two small cans and tried ’em both for today.
Take biscuit quarters and press into prepared mini-muffin pans. Using my almost-as-much-fun-as-my-kitchen-blow-torch Pampered Chef Mini-Tart Shaper makes it easy.
Thumbs are the best tool around for seeding tomatoes. Slime-a-ly disgusting, yes, but highly effective.
If you take your time when you’re chopping everything up, it might just end up in perfect piles like this:
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
The ingredients looks so colorfully appetizing, don’t you think?
NOT so appetizing once they’re all mixed together–
Scoop out the mixture and fill the biscuit-lined muffin cups; the mixture WILL be taller than the biscuits themselves, which is just fine.
Bake for 20 minutes; remove from oven. Spoon mixture which has overflowed back into muffin cups; bake for 5 minutes longer. Cool in pan for 5-10 minutes before removing.

Want the recipe without my running commentary? As you wish:
- 1 10-count can biscuits
- 1 pound bacon, crisp-fried, crumbled
- 2 small or 1 large tomato, seeded, chopped
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 6 ounces Swiss cheese, shredded
- 1/2-1 cup mayonnaise, enough to bind the ingredients
- 2 teaspoons basil
Preheat oven to 375ºF. Spray mini-muffin cups with non-stick cooking spray. Separate biscuits; cut into quarters. Spread out in prepared muffin cups. Combine remaining ingredients in bowl, add enough mayonnaise to bind them together, and fill muffin cups. Bake for 20 minutes, remove from oven, spoon mixture which has overflowed back into the cups. Return to oven and bake about 5 more minutes. Cool in pan 5-10 minutes before removing.
Additional Cook’s Notes:
- I’ve experimented with other cheeses and varied the ingredients, and this recipe seems to incorporate well just about anything you’d like to try.
- Before filling the muffin cups, be sure to wipe away any excess cooking spray; otherwise it bakes onto your pan and discolors it.
- The aroma from these alone makes this recipe worth trying–even my kids who typically turn their noses up at anything out of the ordinary wandered into the kitchen, curious about what smelled so good :).
Hi and WOW – I’m the one with the weird questions!
I so have that mini muffin pan and that handy dandy Mini Tart Shaper and I SOOOOOOO want to make these.
One problem…..
It’s called UK.
I’m sure we definitely can’t get those cans with the biscuits here so I need some help. Can you or perhaps some of the readers tell me are these the same as Southern Biscuits that you guys make with gravy (white gravy)?
I have had a lesson on how to make these from a Southern visitor to our home so I’m hopeful………
Thanks for the brilliant instructions, I need to remember to take pics more when I cook 🙂
Thanks again for hosting.
So which biscuits were better?
Can’t wait to try them. I bought most of the ingredients yesterday because I knew you’d be giving us the recipe. Didn’t know about the swiss though, so I’ll be going back to the store. I think I better pick-up some ingredients for everybody else’s recipes too. They all look so good!
They do look good but I have no idea what a can of biscuits is. They look like raw scones?
Holy cholesterol Batman! That’s a heart attack in a pan. Can’t wait to try them. 😉 They look delish.
Yum! I need to get some new cooking tools and I am all over this one! Thanks.
They look like something my son would inhale in about 10 seconds flat. He and I will make them this weekend. Thanks!
Those look wonderful, I’ll be over!
Oh my LANTA. I want one now. Off to get some bacon. Sheesh.
HOLY SMOKES….I can’t wait to make this!!! YUMMY!!! Since this is my 1st time to ever enter anything like this…please double check and make sure I linked everything right!!! =)
This was a BLAST and I’m enjoying looking at everyone’s yummy food ideas!
Holy crap, I need to go to the store and purchase the ingredients stat! The best part? The kids don’t like tomatoes, so they can be mine, all mine (insert evil cackle here).
OHH! They look scrummy! I have the same problem as mummymac though!
You did such an excellent job with the graphics and pictures of your recipe. It will definitely be tried by me. It looks delicious.
Are you going to do something for Valentine’s Day snacks too?
Those look delicious.
Wow, those look fantastic. I’m pretty sure I’d love these. My kids might even eat them, and they hate tomatoes. Thanks!
Oh my gosh, these look terrific! Thanks, Robin.
Ok These look absolutely delicious. Thanks for posting the recipe unhindered too! You thought of everything…
I’m going to make these for a game night we’re going to next week..yum
They look delicious, I almost feel like I can smell them! Like mummymac I’m wondering about those biscuits because we don’t have anything like that here.
Thank you for the sweet comment! This has been a BLAST! =)
Oh my Lawd! These look divine! Will you come get jiggy with my tomato though?
Those look so good! I can almost smell them.
those look great. absolutely great. i will not make them, because then i will eat them. but they look soooo good.
how odd that the UK doesn’t carry these biscuits.
to whoever asked: theyr’e not anything like scones.
hey, pensieve, maybe we could start a food-shipping business and send canned refrigerator biscuits to england for huge profits. what say?
MIN, while you’re at the grocery store, would you just buy the ingredients for me, too?
OR, better yet, Robin, just send me the finished product. Thanks.
#1 My Mom gave me one of that tart shapers one year and I had no idea what it was. I held onto it for about three years (forgetting to ask her about it) until I went to a PC party and finally knew the answer. I remember BN and I looking at it and laughing. (ahem, dirty minds think alike)
#2 Can I just say….OMG, I have to have these things. I can’t stop looking at the pictures.
Thanks for chiming in all day…!
Mummymac, I’d say just about any biscuit will do; they should be about 1/2″ thick when you roll them out, cut out in 3-4″ circles, then quartered. I wish I could be more definitive, but they’re just to hold the filling, so I’m thinking you’d be alright w/your recipe.
Min, I KNOW! It’ll take me months to make all he ones I want to :/. AND, I couldn’t tell ANY difference between the two biscuits–they were BOTH good.
T.O.B., NO! Not like scones! People, do y’all have good biscuit recipes???
Hulagirl, funny, but sadly true.
Emily, that tart shaper is under $4…ou gotta love that!
SHB, ahhhh, a fantastic team project…no one was around when I was making ’em. Make that, no one was interested until they smelled ’em cooking!
Chris and Karen, wish y’all could BOTH come for a visit…wouldn’t that be cool?
Jeannie, I hope this won’t be the LAST time you join a carnival…so many great ideas out here in the b-sphere!
Nikki, the thing is, I DON’T LIKE TOMATOES, EITHER, but these? It doesn’t count b/c they’re cooked (I know, I know, doesn’t make sense).
Naomi…”scrummy” is good, yes?
Junebug, thank you! As far as Valentine’s Day, I know you won’t believe it, but no, I hadn’t thought about doing anything bloggity for it.
Great…now I’m thinkin’…thinkin’…;) Got any ideas?
Thanks, Janeywan.
Jana, I agree…if my kids would TASTE them, they’d be sold…that’s the tricky part, though :/.
Thank YOU, Sandy!
Ellen, let me know if you do…and I’ll letcha in on a secret…it does get pretty messy while you’re scooping (b/c the mini muffin pans have such small holes).
Beccy, I wonder if Sam could make a suggestion….
Kaytabug, that’s the WORST part of the recipe! BLECH!!
Barbara, they smell DIVINE, my kids were ALMOST tempted to taste ’em.
Laurie, that IS bizarre…we could make a killin’!
Swampy, for you? Why certainly…one day ;).
Robinella, once you see what the tart shaper is SUPPOSED to be used for, you’ll be amazed at how easy it makes pressing out the biscuit dough 🙂 (funny, I totally know what you mean 😉 ).
Hey these look great!!!! I hope you have a good day. I tagged you for meme if you have time and haven’t done it already!
Those look really good!!! You make me want to cook. 🙂
GLORIOSITY! What a great word!!
Robin: – thank for helping out. I really am going to try theses and I’ll let you know if it works out.
Laurie and the discussion on scones, that gets complicated – our scones are sweet but are basically the same ingredients as your biscuits. As soon as I saw a Southern Biscuit being made I said – oh it’s a scone 🙂
We would use the biscuits for a topping on savoury dishes like a cobbler.
We call a biscuit what you guys call a cookie!
Needless to say it gets quite complicated when we have American visitors.
Thanks for your help.
oooooooooooh yaaaaaaaaaah.
I copied that – and the Hubby says oooooooooooooooh yaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I am going to try this!!
Robin – I promise you – being a Southern girl AND having lived abroad for many years now AND being married to a very English Englishman – scones and biscuits are pretty much the same thing.
However, CANNED biscuits are as different to scones as they are when compared to *homemade* biscuits.
That’s why someone said earlier they are nothing like scones. And I agree. They taste different and the texture is very different to scones (the same with homemade biscuits).
If anyone in the UK or anywhere else outside the US wants to make this yummy recipe — they can use a standard scone recipe (savoury – of course) and it will turn out lovely.
Aternatively, ‘BISQUICK’ is an easy option and it is available in some grocery stores here in UK.
Thanks for sharing this recipe – it’s lovely!!
I just came over to say I made these and I just used the “southern biscuit” recipe that I have, and needless to say they were delicious.
I thought I’d already left a comment to say
Thanks for posting.
And BTW I’m hosting February’s Recipe Round-up and even though I didn’t win one of your cookbooks that doesn’t mean you can’t enter for one of mine 😉
Feel free to publicise – I’m desperate for Breakfast recipes with American visitors arriving soon!
Blessings from Northern Ireland
Been making these for years and they ARE good. Great filling breakfast to wow company. Since I am a flake, I use the flaky biscuits and have used the country style, but the flaky ones taste the best to me.
Everyone loves this recipe–it's kind of messy to make, but worth it with the results!! {{flake—giggles!!}}