Good things come to those who wait?
[Insert your own cliche here.]
If you’ve won something from "Robin @ PENSIEVE" in the past month (Pensieve’s Picture Puzzler, Snackalicious Super Dishes Cookbooks, SSD Buttermints, or a Bloggy Giveaway), it should be in the mail by the end of business today.
Except the Stampin’ Up notecards–those I’ve actually got to make (but they’ll be so stinkin’ adorable, it will be worth it!).

I might be slow "administratively speaking", but, oh, my word, I’ve got some ummm-boy mad typing skills! Check it out–
What say you?
(Oh, no! I need to hat-tip someone for the above, but I forgot where I saw it. PLEASE let me know if it was from you so I can share a little linky-lovin’–sowry!:) )
(Off to look for more packing supplies :/.)
Photocredit: Fairfax County Public Schools
54 words per minute and 354 characters per minute…lol…thats great
I was sure I left a comment earlier. Hmm. Oh well -….I’ve done the test.
You type 434 characters per minute
You have 78 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
I only got worse with practice. I might try again in the morning.
It’s kinda like an addiction. I couldn’t stop ‘practicing’ earlier. Ya know?
47 words a minute snails slow and that was on by third try!
Looking forward to the post – thank you!
did your font get teeeeeeeny or is it just me?
but the way your blog looks right now, it’s reminding me that i left my reading glasses at home 😛
Don’t worry about being slow – I’m the same way about returning phone calls!
We’re typing twins! I was 79 wpm, too! Also 428 cpm, 79 correct, and (a-hem) 0 wrong 😉 That was fun!
Well, I only got 63. How shameful, I used to type over 100 per minute, way back in the days before kids when I worked.
Anyone can type words. The trick is typing GOOD words, which you do at the rate of 79 wpm!!
Senselight, hmmmm, I woulda thought you were faster (from experience 😉 ).
TLG, ha! I did it three times and my results were consistent within one word (and I did have an error on one of them). I wonder if I did it when I was “fresh” if I’d be faster (resisting the urge to go back and do it again, lol).
Alix, oh, my word! Postage was out the roof!!
Janet, well…I DID make the last sentences smaller…is that what you mean????
Susan, it’s not the first time you and I have been “twins” on something :).
Karisma, my fastest timed typing was 100 words with three errors. That was a long, long time ago (but honestly, I’m pleased it’s still as fast as it is!).
Min, you’re trying to make up for laughing AT me, aren’t you? 😉
I saw this over on Joy’s blog (A Spot of T) but have not been brave enough yet to take the test.