Several weeks ago, we had a family outing downtown. After frisbeeing in Coolidge Park, we found ourselves on a path that led to an evolving retail district–interesting shops beyond typical mall fare. One of our first stops was Rock Creek, a fantastic outdoors retailer whose employees actually know what they’re talking about. An antique shop had caught my eye down the street, though, so I seized opportunity to leave Tad and the kids where they were happily occupied, leaving me the freedom to scavenge ancient ruins.
As is the case with any antique store, there is trash, treasure (and a strong case for "beauty in the eye of the beholder")…and a few sights that left me reaching for the tag to identify what in the world I was looking at. Like this–
Does it look familiar to you? Guess correctly and you’ll be the winner of the Paula/Jamie/Bobby Deen prize pack (retail value $50!), compliments of my favorite webmaster (and those sweet Deens):
–A Lady and Sons bag (if we’re lucky, autographed by the Lady herself!)
–Paula’s Grits
–Paula’s green pepper jelly
–Jamie’s and Bobby’s new book (Phil’s working on an autographed copy of this, too)
Guess creatively and you might win a little something, too.
PLEASE be sure to read the link to the guidelines for Pensieve’s Picture Puzzler; last time there were some FANTASTIC creative guesses, but they were disqualified because they didn’t follow directions :(.
I’m soooo sorry to have to limit this contest to U.S. residents only, but I learned this the hard way after my cookbook, butter mint and Bloggy Giveaways recently (you’re more than welcome to guess…I just can’t guarantee you’ll receive a prize if you’re correct or super creative).
Is it an old chamber pot?
Grrr, that was my guess!!! Okay, I’ll go with milk jug then.
yeah, what Pamela said!! I couldn’t think of what it’s called..I would have said an iron cast urn used in the bathroom!! 🙂
I am going to say a spitoon. (might not be the correct spelling)
Actually I am going to take the chamber pot a step further and say it is an old urinal specifically.
Remember the little old lady who lived in a shoe? This is her authentic cast iron cobbler’s shoe form that was the protocol for her retirement condo.
A fired clay pitcher, possibly in the shape of a fish.
I’m guessing the top of an old fashioned food grinder…the kind you use to make relish.
The only thing I could come up with is a cast iron pitcher and you are showing the spout?!?!? But at the same time I think you are trying to throw us off…I don’t think it would be that easy to guess?!?! GIRL…this is HARD!!! It looks like the material of this “ITEM” is HARD =) They go hand in hand!!!
I do have to say if the people above that commented “urinal” and they guess right…THAT IS JUST GROSS!!! lol
I posted your little button! This was FUN…I’ve never done one of these before!!!
An old stoneware creamer
I was going to say that it was an antique jug used for handwashing etc., with the old basins…now to go follow the rest of the rules. 😉
Hmmm…where did my guess go?
I said and old stoneware creamer
but my second guess is – an antique Neti Pot
An antique pitcher. Not original, but my first thought.
I had more than one guess, and the others are already taken. The only one left is a little creepy, and I only thought of it because I had seen one in an antique store before… the foot or knee rest for an antique obstetrician’s table. Looks a little cold, huh? Yes, I’ve seen one of these IRL. 🙂
Man, they beat me to it. I was going to say one of those old stoneware pitchers.
My guess is a sausage stuffer! Thanks,Cindi
My guess is a sausage stuffer! Thanks,Cindi
My guess is a sausage stuffer! Thanks,Cindi