There are a few photographers I’ve stumbled across who share the same perspective as me; they seem to "see" as I do except they’re able to capture what I can’t quite translate to the final result. Anna Carson is one of of these people I’m watching, hoping to learn from her by observation.
She has a current photo project going on, inviting others to join along: capturing yellow images all week. Here’s my first attempt, and I’ve found her words to be true. Yellow objects along my way–prior to her challenge, almost invisible–are screaming out to me "Take my picture!" What can I do but oblige them?

This is a find by my designer friend Jennifer.
It wouldn’t work just anywhere,
but it adds personality and then some
to a corner of the room.
Nice lamp. Looks like it gives off plenty of light without even switching it on. (Or should I say, “cutting it on”? Isn’t that the proper Southern translation?)
Can’t wait to see what’s next in Project Yellow, but I’m mostly looking forward to Project Plaid.
Thanks for the link to Anna’s blog, it is great, think I’m going to join in. I keep finding such cool blogs through you!
Robin! I love it!
I love that you found a project to keep you photographically motivated. The tilt of the camera you chose is something so foreign to me. I’m so set at keeping it horizontal or vertical. It’s refreshing to see someone break free of that. The project you found has such a simplicity, yet offers so much variance and creativity. One of my favorite images I captured over this past weekend is “yellow.” You’ll see it up in tomorrow night’s WW. Thanks for sharing this. Can’t wait for what’s next.
Stephen, you WOULD think in multi-color dimensions, and yes, the lamp is bright & cheery whether or not it’s turned on (or cut on…now I can’t remember which one I say!).
Alix, so please to hear you followed her link–I think a lot of her work 🙂 (and looking forward to what you’ll be posting).
The Ex, thanks for visiting (first time, right?) :).
Robert, see? The “tilt” is one thing I’m picking up from other bloggers (Anna? maybe others). I took a few dozen pictures of that lamp; some the traditional horizontal/vertical, but others with varying degrees of tilt. Those were SO much more interesting, fun, whimsical, just like the lamp! It just seemed right (and best) to choose one of those.
Thanks for your kind words here, I’ve been a fan of your photography for a while now :).
Great lamp! I love the perspective! I am having a lot of fun finding yellow! 🙂
Thanks also for linking back to me!
Your mind must be made of silly putty. Not because it’s silly, mind you, but because you keep stretching it in so many different directions.
Terrific job.
I came over from Anna’s!
This lamp is so retro – very nice!
That yellow lamp can light up the whole room even without turning it on!Very beautiful!