There is no greater evidence of God's twisted sense of humor than when he pairs a Messy with a Neat Freak 'til death do us part.
It's a combustible combination that will have both parties at times tugging and warring.
In our family, I'm the messy.
I'm pretty good at cleaning, mind you, but that organizing and decluttering business? Well, sometimes the mere thought of it strangles me in paralyzing chokehold. It's not that I don't have the want to—I do, I really do!–I just don't have the follow through.
Can we call it adult-onset A.D.D.? Or genetic? My dad was the biggest clutter-hound on the planet (well, I thought he was until I saw an episode of Niecy Nash's Clean House…!).
In spite of my natural tendency to multiply clutter like a dozen libidinous bunnies, I actually enjoy seasons of organization. I can't predict it, I can't manufacture it, but when it strikes me SWEETMERCY I carpe that diem!
W e l l, lovies…it hit me last week when my husband traveled to , an energizing, irresistible force of Spring Cleaning meets project simplify.
Maybe it was a case of sympathetic, transferred nesting for Lisa Jo; or perfect timing with the start of my kids' Spring Break; or all of that coupled with inspiration from…
I met Tsh/Simple Mom years ago at the first Blissdom Conference; I've admired her ever since. With great design sense, clear vision for her site and an obvious heart for God and family, she leads by example. When she asked me to guest post about parenting teenagers** in her Seasons of Parenting series, then invited me as a regular contributor for that niche, I was honored and thrilled. To the max.
Her book, Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living
, is six shades of fabulous—
practical, beautiful and inspiring, and one of you have a chance to win one! We'll get to that in a minute.
Simple Mom is midway through project simplify, a five-week series challenging readers "to roll up their sleeves and clear the clutter from the different “hot spots” in their homes."
By focusing on specific tasks each week, she makes de-cluttering doable and almost downright FUN by having her community do it together, celebrating accomplishment with before/after photos.
This week's Hot Spot: kids' clothes and toys.
Did I mention it's Spring Break at Chez Pensieve? Me thinks the kids might suddenly come down with Mama-induced Spring(break) Cleaning Fever. There's only one cure for that…. 😉
While I'm not following project simplify to a "T", I'm reading along gaining inspiration and encouragement from those taking part. Simple Mom is all about doing what works for you…and honestly? For the first time ever I was more about the cleaning/decluttering/organizing process than I was about photo-documenting the occasion!! Wonders never cease….
Wanna win a copy of Organized Simplicity? (trust me, you do!) Please leave a thoughtful comment below relevant to this post by Friday, March 25th at 11:59 EST. ("Great post!" or "I want to win!" comments mean nothing to me and will be disqualified.) Maybe share your favorite Spring Cleaning and organizing tips or let me know if you're already taking part in project simplify.
After you do that, feel free to enter as many times as you like by leaving a separate comment indicating you've done any/all of the following. Winner will be chosen by Random Integer Generator (unless you write a really cool cleaning-related haiku or poem and I'm swayed to pick favorites….).
- Subscribe to PENSIEVE in a reader or by email.
- Tweet a link to this giveaway and comment its specific URL.
- *Like* or Share this post on Facebook.
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** If you're interested, here's my two-part series for Seasons in Parenting:
Parenting Teens, Part 1
Parenting Teens, Part 2
My husband is the neat-freak (uber-organizer) in my family. As a stay at home mom I’ve been looking for ways to keep my home clean and presentable. With a little one running around it seems as if there is ALWAYS something to clean, declutter, etc. I’ve recently discovered and I’ve signed up for the daily emails. I don’t follow it to the letter but it does give me a good guide plan on a weekly basis. The book sounds like a great tool to have as well. I’ll have to look for it (if I don’t win).
I totally need something like this. I like an uncluttered house, but with 4 kids around, it is so hard to achieve. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that I am a visual person… too much hiding things away makes me forget I have them. So I am likely to have little “piles” or “stacks” of things. Drives my husband insane; he wants to see a totally blank counter or table!
I already subscribe to you in Google Reader.
I’m doing a clutter-clearing weekly challenge with a friend of mine. Being accountable to someone else (and having to record it on my blog!) has really made me step up my game.
I’m a loyal subscriber! 🙂
I love you. Is that thoughtful enough? 🙂
I sub you in a reader.
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liked you on FB.
I am not participating in Project Simplify so I’m happy to hear about it! My biggest challenge with spring cleaning (..actually as I type this I realize that it might be ALL cleaning/home tasks) is that sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed. It just seems SO big that I don’t know where to start and I am paralyzed at the thought.
So…. please, please, I could use some help… 🙂
The though of going through my 4 boys clothes to do the winter/spring change over created a tornado like feeling of turmoil in my chest. I know it *MUST* be done, but I have great ideas, but never an seem to implement everything. I am to the point now I’d like them to have 2 sets of farm clothes and 2 sets of town clothes and be DONE with it/// at least until fall….
Signed up for emails.
Please pick up the Sharpies.
School supplies shouldn’t be out.
Now my couch is art.
(there’s your haiku – the baby used a hot pink on the brown upstairs couch. oh yes he DID.)
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I’ve wanted to read Tsh’s book since I first heard about it. Her posts are always so practical and relevant. For some spring cleaning this season, I’m combining the motivation of the “40 bags in 40 days” idea with Tsh’s useful tips with her Project: Simplify! I’m definitely seeing progress!
Thanks for this opportunity!
I tweeted about this post here:
Thanks again for this opportunity!
I have a friend who is participating in Project Simplify this go round! I’ve been watching her progress and while I’m impressed I don’t have that get up and go in me just yet! Not for the inside anyways 🙂
I try to do a deep spring-like cleaning before each child’s birthday. That was it looks like I live in a perfectly tidy house all the time when we have guests over for birthdays. I always clean before we have guests but I shut the doors when it’s just dinner guests 😉 That has me doing a nice baseboards and all cleaning in January, March and August. We are in the middle of our big outside cleaning for the year … fresh paint on the porch, pressure washing, remulching, planting.
I guess you asked for meaningful, not a book!
Oh, I’ve been itching to read her book. I started Spring Cleaning here last week…I was deceived and thought I could do it in a week (with a 1 yr old underfoot)! ha! I’m slowing the pace, but not giving up. 🙂
Go, Robin, Go!
I subscribe to you via RSS. 🙂
Oh, girl. The problem in my house is that I’m both the messy and neat freak. I do battle with my own self all. the. time. And rarely do I win. Go figure.
When I am motivated, look out! I’m a force to be reckoned with. But when the mojo leaves, fuhgettaboutit. Therefore, I make myself completely crazy.
I have been crushing on this book for like EVAH. I know that if I could just simplify things around here, it would be SO much easier to take care of and keep up with, right? Please tell me I’m right. Cuz if I’m not? Well, that could be a sad thing to behold, me all curled up in a gooey ball of frustration. Pictures will not be available.
obvious heart for God
is what makes me read this blog
i do think I am organized
but know the truth is not what I think
rose are red
violets are blue
being organized
is something I want to do
After I have tired of hearing myself say, “You’ve just GOT to get rid of that,” that is exactly what I try to do. I have most recently begun getting rid of clothes that I haven’t worn in a couple of years. It is so hard – especially when I still like them, and they are perfectly okay.
A closet or drawer a day sounds so simple. Why isn’t it, really?
I am a putterer and a piler. I know it drives my “everything in it’s place” husband crazy. After 19 years together, he has learned to live with my piles more patiently and graciously than in our early years. But, I’d still like to bless him by continuing to grow in these areas. Tsh’s blog is a blessing and I’m sure her book would be a treasure. So count me in!
OK, here’s the deal. I’m not a neat freak. Truly, I am not. But my husband’s seeming love of clutter is driving me out of my mind. I am on a mission this year that every drawer, every cabinet, every closet will be gone through. I’m doing pretty well so far and even have a garage sale schedules with a neighbor. Could this book help him get on my de-clutter band wagon? Please say yes and send me a copy! Our 25th anniversary is this year and I would like to celebrate it outside of the loony bin.
I love to watch ‘Clean House’! Mine is clean, but it’s what’s behind the closet and cabinet doors that needs to be organized and purged! Help me by sending me the book:)
i already receive your emails. Enjoy them too!
I subscribed to you via RSS!!
#1 spring cleaning tip: Get the kids out of the house! I get my husband to take our toddler to his mamas every weekend for a couple hours while I tackle a different room. It is just about impossible to get ANYTHING done when your toddler is undoing all your hard work as it is being done! 🙂
I’ve poked around in Tsh’s blog from time to time the past several months, toying with the idea of simplifying my life. And then I stop until a blogger I follow mentions Tsh’s book and I start the process all over again. I need to streamline my time. It’s too easy for me to put off dusting and sweeping and to rationalize the piles on my To Do list. I’m hoping Tsh’s book will help motivate me and give me ideas on how to make the most of my time so the cleaning gets done without sacrificing the things I enjoy doing.
When it comes to organization, I refer to myself as organized chaos! My husband is pretty much the opposite. I find an empty drawer and throw things in, but I quickly found out that screwdrivers and kitchen utensils aren’t the best mix. My husband would be be forever grateful if I won this book and actually put it into practice!!
I really like to orgazine…my problem is keeping it organized! I do pretty well with this at work but at home it’s a whole other story.
it’s moments like this i wish i was a friend who could drive over to your house… because few things in the world make me happier than organizing cupboards!!! 🙂
I recently stumbled on another blog post referencing this book. What intrigued me most is that while following steps listed in the book, the blogger found that she and her husband were finding themselves not just organizing their physical space, but they were starting to nail down dreams and future goals in a way they had not previously been able to work through. That’s pretty exciting to me!
As we gear up to move, I decided to really get organized. I don’t want to pack unnecessary items – things we really don’t need or use. I actually stumbled upon Tsh’s book yesterday and am very excited to put it into practice. My hubby’s in veterinary school, so winning this book would be amazing (since the old budget doesn’t really include a new book for me right now). 🙂
Thanks for doing this give-a-way!
I just started decluttering my home from truly top to bottom this week! It’s clearly going to take me longer than I had originally planned, as I’m still working on the first closet, but it WILL HAPPEN!
I wanted to be part of this organizing challenge so bad! Organizing is in my blood, but my hubby is deployed right now so I’m living in my parents house. I would love a copy of this book to use when we move into our own home this July! thank you!
I LOVE keeping a neat and organized home! I am following Simple Mom and the Hot Spots and its helping me be focused! I can’t wait to get her book… Either here or I am going to the store to buy it!… So i can get working on what she writes about! I’m excited to write a family purpose statement!
I’m the messy one too! God bless us… it does take all types!
I’ve been a subscriber and avid reader for a month or two now.
Liked it on FB.
I just told my husband tonight that we need to budget to buy this book. I follow Tsh’s financial advice. 🙂
I so need to be more simple!! I’ve already done her simple beauty regimens (which I love), but my house needs help now. We live in 1000 square feet and I have a very hard time making things more simple and organized. My husband works from home and his office is a disaster!
I’m so glad I found your blog! Please help me and my family!
Oh… And… You wouldn’t you have to mail it to me. I’m coming to Chattanooga the weekend of April 2!! My mom grew up there and my brother lives there now.
I was so excited when I saw this week’s Hot Spot on Monday – it was exactly the project I had already intended to tackle in my daughter’s room this week. And now, a day early, her room looks WONDERFUL! The clothes fit in the dresser, her floor is vacuumed and her closet actually resembles organization. The first week, cleaning my closet, was amazing, too – excited to see what challenges come next!
Our Bible study group is using a book about the gift of peace, and a couple of chapters have been on declutter our lives. My daughter and I talked about it, and she took it to heart,cleaning out clothes and toys. I got rid of a few things, but had a problem with knowing where to start, and figuring out what to do with things. I realized I’m way too sentimental about things, but am going to keep trying to decide what I really want and need.
I would LOVE to win! I am an organization freak, though you cannot tell it right now!
If you haven’t worn it in a year, sell it, donate it, or throw it away.
I tweeted about this on at lisaasyler, and I wanna win this book, to help my daughter and her husband with packing to move!
i postedd about this on facebook…lisa Lanier-Syler….and I want to win
I have four (five within another six or so weeks!) children. I firmly believe that the children should be a part of keeping the house up, but I have issues getting it organized in a manner that would make it easier for them to be more effectively involved. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of Tsh’s books!
And I subscribe via Google Reader. 😉 I happen to be a Robin fan.
I don’t necessarily do spring cleaning. Due to the long winter most of my heavy cleaning gets done in February. This year I bought a label maker and a bunch of plastic baskets from the dollar store. My kids bathroom now has everything organized. A junk cupboard now has a real purpose. I’m totally loving knowing where everything goes and the kids don’t have to ask where something is! Win/win 🙂
I subscribe to you in my reader!
I was the kid who would get lost in the grocery store, only to be found alphabetizing the Campbell soup cans on the shelf…yes, that was ME.
Since then, I became an Administrative Assistant so I could organize everyones’ lives – everyone, that is, except my own. It comes in spurts of energy, followed by moments of despair as I realize I will NEVER get it all done. My husband is somewhat of a slob, and forgetful too; this has the frustrating result of him not remembering if he put something back or not.
I really need this book – consider it a charity.
I’m subscribed via email!
and RSS too!
I thought my husband and I were the only ones God paired with a “messy” wife and a “neat” husband. We have been married 20 years with 3 kids and have always conflicted on this issue. I must say though since getting inspiration from blogs and twitter. I feel more motivated. Sometimes just seeing others inspiration helps me to see the “big neat picture” thank you for your ideas
I’ve heard many great things about Organized Simplicity…I’d love to win a copy!!
Clutter feels
Crowded messy sad
Declutter now
Thank you for the great ideas!
This family definitely is a work in progress. My husband and I are fairly neat and have our bag of tricks, but we now have two year old twin girls and that really throws a wrench in it!
My favorite tip is that we have three laundry baskets in our closet. Every night we throw our clothes in the appropriate laundry basket so they are already sorted and we know when we need to do towels badly or are running low on socks!
I now follow you on Facebook and by e-mail!
I would love to win this book and blog about it! I’m attaching a link to a recent post on de-cluttering from my home and garden blog:
I love having a neat and organized home- however, my children and husband don’t share the same ideas. Since I am not good about staying on top of it all, I could use some help. I definitely organize in spurts and this is a time when I “feel the spirit moving”. Love your blog and style! I’m following you in Google reader.
I’ve also liked you on Facebook!
I like to watch CLEAN HOUSE for motivation! But when I watch, I have a rule that I have to clean or organize something during the commercials. Even if it’s just running around the house emptying all the wastebaskets–it’s something.
I am the messy ADD person in our home. But I discovered the timer and it has been a lifesaver. I set the timer for 10, 15, or 20 minutes (shorter durations for more heinous jobs such as toilet scrubbing) and then I work as hard and fast as I can till the time goes off, set the time for a half hour break or so to play online, and then another work shift. Somewhere along the way I discovered that I’m a sprinter, not a distance runner. I can get things done in short sprints, but if I try to run a marathon and clean the whole house (or the whole kitchen) I get distracted or discouraged before I’m done.
Luv simple life and cleaning – use white vinegar and declutter all the time 🙂
I follow and enjoy reading ur post on simple living — I re-tweeted
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