“I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
As long as I’m living
my baby you’ll be.”
~ Robert Munsch (One of my favorite books
of all time!)
“I’m so glad you haven’t forced me to be your best friend,” she says, not unkindly but without realizing the impact of her declaration. Why did her words sting when being her best friend had never even been on my periphery??
As I washed dishes and she dried, my mini-me, my first born, my only daughter continued. “I know so many people who say their mom is their best friend, but I haven’t wanted you to be my friend…I needed you to be my mother.”
and off I drifted to another season….
But to find out where I landed, please continue reading at Not friends, yet (in)courage; and be ready to share your view on parent/child friendship.
For the college Freshman (or anyone for that matter… but especially those on their own for the first time)… do not do anything that you would not do if Jesus himself were sitting in the flesh right beside you. That will keep you from a multitude of mistakes and make you do what is the right thing even when you don’t really want to. This relates to sex, drugs,drinking,cheating on tests, skipping classes, telling a lie, not doing your best, partying when you should be studying, wearing clothes Jesus would not approve of (that doesn’t mean you have to go amish… just modest)…etc…
I loved this post and just had to come over to meet you. Especially since I’m just working on writing a series of posts on the things my dear mother taught me- “I’m not your friend, I’m your mother” being one of them!