They’re harbingers of summer and, by day, they’re rather ordinary, but when Sun’s shine finally gives way to Moon’s light, they put on The Show Spectacular.
Fireflies. Lightning bugs. Magic.
Even now, decades past my youth, they cast a fairy’s spell and I’m beholden to their fire. It’s cool to the touch.
I can think of no better repurposing of an old jelly jar than a homemade
nightlight. Fall asleep under a cosmic flash and set them free to
morning’s glory.
They know the art of play and God made ’em slow enough to catch them, we can. And when we do – when I do – it is cause for marvel and wonder and delight.
And apparently, poetic inspiration.
Light in play
Silent signal
End of day
Childlike fascination
Demanding chase
They blink and dance
One more spark
And that’s your chance
Neon glow
Adorn the night
Summer’s glory
Our delight
Please tell me you know what I mean…!
Speaking of She B, your daughter has a wonderful memory! That is an amazing poem about this wonderful, crazy thing we call life!
God Bless!
Thank you, Robin, for this lovely piece. We are lighnin’bug chasers and catchers in our family. We know and share the magic. They waltz in our front yard under the canopy of trees and I’m always the last one to get up out of my chair and go on in the house. Long past bedtime on occasion, being eaten up by mosquitoes, I will sit mesmerized by the light show.
Loved your poem. I enjoy watching fireflies. In total darkness they light up the night with a simple glow.
I know exactly what you mean! Catching fireflies is one of my favorite parts of summer. Love your poem.
Lightning bugs were a joy in my childhood and when my grandchildren come for Cousin Camp each summer from New York City and Oregon, they love chasing and catching these delightful little creatures.
Great poem! I was born and raised in California and we don’t have fireflies here. BUT I would go to Connecticut to visit my grandparents in the Summer and they lived there all with all the other mysteries I found there. They truly feel like magic.
Thanks for sharing.
This comment is coming late but I have to say the lightning bugs this summer were more magical than EVER!! I LOVE fireflies…ever since I was little they have amazed me…and now two summers away from the big 5-0, I still ran out every night to watch them DANCE! Thanks.
Beautiful photo and poem. May I use your image and post your poem on my blog referencing you? Lightning bugs bring back so many memories of summer, and you captured the sweetness of that experience.
Deb Mills