Around About by Robin Dance

A collection of links I love, sites I like, things to do and interesting reads.

It’s been forever and a day since I shared my favorite internetty finds, but that’s not for lack of keeping a shameful abundance of tabs open in three different browsers.  There’s no such thing as high speed internet when I’m hoarding tabs. Bad habit, I admit, so today I’m closing out pages that, in some cases, have been open for weeks. Don’t judge me. I did it for you. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

How to Let Go of Regret – Author Shelly Wildman is one of my favorite reasons for the invention of the internet; she first “found” me when searching for Kiawah Island and our friendship was sealed over sand dollars. This post is soul balm for Mamas who might be second-thinking some of the things they’ve said, not said, done, not done. You’ll find yourself in her words.

Listening to Young Atheists: Lessons for a Stronger Christianity – Not as provocative as it is interesting. Likely convicting when you hear what non- and former- believers have to say.

Permission to Stop Trying So Hard – Gold from Jennifer Dukes Lee who’s strumming a one-chord guitar these days to broadcast the message of her book Love Idol. It’s something we need to hear over and over again until we finally believe it. Go. Read. And believe in your heart what you know with your head.

Scientists Link Selfies to Narcissism, Addiction and Mental Illness – I’ll just let you read this one and draw your own conclusions. We all know people who share image after image of themselves; I wonder what the distinction is (if any) when you factor in age….

50 Class People From the Past Who Remind Us What “Cool” Really Means – Photos worth your click and a reminder that I wanna dress like Audrey Hepburn.

I’m not sure who the original author is (I’ve seen this a few times penned under different names–what the heck?) but the content is important. If you’re a parent of tweens or teens, you will likely never know everything your kids do about phone apps & the latest sites they’re following, but these 7 Dangerous Apps need to be on your radar if they aren’t already.

21 Charts That Explain How the US is Changing – Lots of things to think about.

10 Awesome German Words – Even though we lived in Germany a year, I never heard any of these but I sure wish I had. I double-checked with a German friend and he confirmed these are all real words. Your day will be exponentially better when you master their pronunciation and proper delivery :).

Don’t wanna make the lifetime commitment to body art you aren’t convinced you’ll love as much next year as you do today? Armed With Truth temporary tattoos might satisfy your craving for ink without the need for painful, expensive laser removal when you change your mind.

This takes half an hour to watch and I keep forgetting to CHAIN MY KIDS TO A CHAIR to watch it. Texting while driving is tantamount to drunk driving, and once you sit through this documentary you’ll have to agree. One stupid choice can wreck your life and others. Just stop it, okay? This should be required viewing for EVERYONE who has a license and a cell phone, which is almost everyone in our country over the age of 16.

34 Funny Graphs That Capture Everyday Life Struggles In The Most Accurate Way Possible – Exactly what it says, guaranteed smile maker.

Doctor: ADHD Does Not Exist – Oh my. The title alone will get your attention, and I’m curious what you think after reading it all the way through. I can’t believe I still have this tab up–it’s since March!

The Many Accents of Meryl Streep, in one video – The woman is phenomenal; I didn’t realize how many of her films I’ve missed and now I want to see them all.


YOUR turn: Please share your favorite links in comments. Have you written a fantastic post? Seen something fabulous on the internet? DO let me know!!

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