…I started blogging. My first two posts were on the same day. The first one was about complications from too many choices (lol, a topic I’ve revisited over and over again); the second one (on the same day) was about the price of gasoline. In case you’re wondering, in the Tennessee Valley it’s exactly 60 cents LESS/gallon now than it was a year ago. Why am I certain of this?? Only because I blogged it.
On the surface, it was an odd time to begin…the day before the anniversary of September 11. However, because Tad and the kids were on their annual father/kid camping trip with his best friend and their children, it was a perfect time for me–Q-U-I-E-T in my house :). Things like this don’t come quickly to me, that whole having to make decisions decisions DECISIONS thing, so I needed a block of time to “research” everything.
For the first six months of my blogging enterprise, I was invisible, writing as if I were being read, but never sharing my URL with anyone. Silly, I know, but I was shy (you may not laugh). Tad pressed me, and although I let Rachel see it first, his encouragement helped me finally step out of my self-imposed anonymity. Most friends IRL WILL NOT POST (stinkin’ voyeurs!), so it finally dawned on me to comment to other bloggers. There are a thousand conversations going on at once (okay, more like a gazillion), wish there was more time to read all I’d like to. I have DEFINITELY learned a lot over the past year…here, and in life in general…ALWAYS a good thing. Hmmmm, you CAN teach an old dawg new tricks :).
There are lots of thoughts swirling in the old Pensieve these days, some of which you’ll see in the days to come ;)…also, a few surprises coming soon to this spot. Stay tuned.
For now, enjoy some cake to celebrate my first bloggaversary–this one TASTES as spectacular as it LOOKS!
A hug and HT to Jen, a little over a year ago she asked me to read her newly-begun blog. Now, a newlywed 🙂 🙂 :), this 20-something had no idea the influence she’d have in that simple request. Neither did I.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
Tell me how never to run out of things to post about??????
happy bloggerversary!!
Happy Birthday Pensieve!!
Here’s to many more years of blogging to come!
Happy One Year Bloggaversary!! I enjoyed reading your first two posts.
WOW!!!!! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Awesome. I will now go read your first two posts to commemorate the occasion! (even though, I may have read them before).
I remember the first post I read of yours – I was new myself and your husband had just installed a gas range….and I laughed because it sounded like my hubby!
Happy Bloggy Day to you!
Happy Bloggy Day to you!
Happy Bloggy Day, dear Pensieve-y
Happy Bloggy Day to you!
Happy Bloggerversary!!!!!!
Know how I celebrated? I came to Charleston again….hehe
Happy Blogaversay….
Hey guys…THANKS for the lovely wishes. I’m afraid by the time I got that thing posted, it kind of got buried under all the 9-11 stuff…seems VERY trivial and insignificant in comparison :/.
But I really, truly appreciated your visits, and for those of you who read those first posts (and commented??!) HUGS to you!
Happy Anniversary! I started blogging anonymously (and under a psuedonym) too and didn’t tell anyone IRL until a few months ago (I’d been blogging for a year and a half at that point). I was so nervous! But they were nice to me. 🙂
~ Love the Pensieve part…yes, relieving the mind of too much thought…and inviting others to join those thoughts. How lovely!
Wishing you many more days of blogging!
Happy blogaverary :)…I remember my first months on the web…I was invisible too…and had the same experience – net-working in the blogsphere is important – that is what generates traffic to your own site…Not the so called ‘traffic-site’…