The Colbert Report slays me. Everytime I watch. Oh, man, what a sharp, dry sense of humor. I bow to his prowess.
Here, a sparky discussion on the “existence of God with Richard Dawkins, author of the book ‘The God Delusion.’ No matter where you stand in the issue, two things are undeniably true: Stephen is a satirical genius and Dawkins makes a compelling case…”.
HT to an old friend;).
Hmmm I haven’t ever seen it – I hear about it all the time – I need to add it to my list to watch I guess
I’ve heard of the book but not of the Colbert Report.
So, I guess I’m missing a link. :O
Just a little toooo harry’d, I think.
Or maybe I just didn’t get stirred up in the mix. Oh.. just shoot me with the big bang.
(I’m done. You can evict me from your comment section now.
Colbert cracked me up. I need to start watching this show.
But I wonder if we all look like a joke when we start talking “scientifically” when we’re not trained “scientifically.”
That’s brilliant! How funny…well I believe in God so I’ve got one up on you…God’s on my side!! haaahaaa!!
Bwahaha, excellent. Sadly this is one of the actually good shows I miss out on by not having cable. Though on the other hand I miss out on a lot of horribly unwatchable shows too. Do I win?
I love the “Colbearrrrrr Reporrrrr”, his spontineity kills me! I loved this clip :O)
I disagree that it is easy to believe in God. If faith were easy, everyone would be a Christian, no?
I also disagree that 95% of americans believe in God. I believe that 95% believe in a god, there is obviously a difference… which god exactly do they believe in? That’s the question.
If almost everyone in our country believed in the one true God, our country wouldn’t be going to hell in a hand basket, IHMO.
I believe that for scientists to continually refer to Darwin is such a cop out. If you want to convince me that God doesn’t exist, get some new material for Pete’s sake.
Wow – this was fascinating! I’ve never heard of the book or the show. I guess I’ve been under a rock!
First of all, ditto to what Mert said. Secondly, I cannot understand how Dawkins can say that computers, books, and other manmade things are “intelligent” designs, but MAN himself is not an “intelligent” design. Has he ever examined the intricacies of a strand of DNA under a microscope? How can something that is NOT intelligently designed CREATE something that IS intelligently designed?
Lastly, Stephen’s quick wit cracked me up!!! He’s a RIOT!
We love the Colber Repor… glad to know you’re a fan too. He’s brill, dear.