Remember the 1984 movie "Splash" starring Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah? (Does it kill anyone else this movie is 23 years old…….!?) It’s a classic mermaid tale (snickers to THAT oxymoron), a love story replete with drama and angst and laugh-out-loud comedic moments.
My favorite scene in the movie is when Hank’s character, Allen Bauer, gives Madison-the-Mermaid a gift. Being a mermaid and all, she has never before received a wrapped gift. She clutches it to her heart..she thinks it’s beautiful! She adores it! With a face refulgent from having received THE BEST GIFT EVAH, she thanks him with a smile that would illumine Manhattan. Of course, then, rather confused, he explains there’s something INSIDE the wrapped box. She obliges him by opening it, and for the life of me now, I don’t remember what he gave her…a necklace? anybody??
THAT is how I feel when I receive a beautifully wrapped gift. Gift bags stuffed with tissue paper are fine (I use them more often than not…), and even they can look beautiful. But nothin’ says lovin’ better than wonderfully whimsical paper and rivers of ribbon, cascading in tangled corkscrews, playfully inviting you…DARING you…to imagine what lies beneath.
And the truth is, it doesn’t matter! You KNOW you’ll love the gift, because if someone took the time to wrap it like this (or have it wrapped), it’s just gotta be good.!
So, where is all this coming from? 🙂 Welllll, it IS my birthday month and when my in-laws were here for a visit recently , they brought an early birthday gift. I didn’t open it for two days because I LOVED looking at it and imagining what was inside. My mother-in-law predicted my response, she told the sales girl who wrapped the gift that I would LOVE it before I opened it; I didn’t disappoint her. My squeals of delight spoke more than a comprehensible verbal response. I’m looking at this picture, and it just doesn’t do it justice–black and white polka dotted paper and gingham ribbon scream "happy".
Before they left, I had to open it. I would’ve been happy to look at it a few more days "as is", but that would’ve been rude.
What was inside indicates how well my mother-in-law knows me…
For years, maybe decades, I have not touched a dish, pot or pan, or cleaned a tub, toilet or sink without rubber gloves. They’re a must-have. After a lifetime with no nails to speak of, and following a winter where my hands cracked because they were so dry, I began this habit…obsession. Give me a pair of gloves and I’ll wash dishes for days and scour every tile floor on the planet by hand, but without them, you’re on your own.
This little cercie is one of those things I’d NEVER buy myself, but I’ve looked longingly at them in specialty kitchen stores for years. Are they not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in kitchen attire (no smart comments about French maid costumes, lol)?
They’re Gloveables and the owner/designer has a pretty great story, too.
Sarah also included one of those stinkin’ adorable linen tea towels (embroidered with the first line of Psalm 23), but–don’t tell her this–it only took a day or two for "someone" to drip something brown and icky on it :/.
The spot DID come out, but I’ve yet to iron it, so no pictures for here (and I couldn’t find it online). Guess I’ll put it away and bring it out when we have company…otherwise it’s just a magnet for frustration.
Yep, I’m a BIG fan of the little things. That’s why my "p r i z e" (and I use that word VERY generously here;) ), from Uncle Mark made me s.m.i.l.e. Even if the buzzard sent me a postcard with drool dripped down the front.
WHAT?! The USPS, damn them. When it was placed, with love, into the mail it was in pristine condition. I’m sorry something decided to attack it. Thanks for putting my scribbles on the internet. Nice gloves too, and Happy Birthday, because I don’t know if I’ve already missed it or it’s still to come.
Wait a second, are you calling me a buzzard?
Mark, I had your handwriting analyzed and I’m afraid it’s clear everything your ads are “indicating”…is true. I’m so sorry.
You haven’t yet…;)
And, “buzzard” in my book is a v e r y special term of endearment :).
How strange that you should mention that movie. I was looking through the TV film channels last weekend and saw it advertised. Wow very fancy gloves for domestic chores mine are basic ‘marigolds’ (if you know those).
very spiffy gloves. They beat the ugly pink ones hanging over my sink right now.
speaking of Splash – it was on tv the other day and my kids watched it. They were quite intrigued. Tom Hanks looked SOOOO young in it. and John Candy – still alive.
I still prefer my method, which is to tell my husband he has to wash up. However I do think those gloves are pretty swish. You must be tempted to wear them shopping. heh.
Birthday!?!?!?! How did I miss this????
In a loud, off-key, laryngitis everyone –
and transition into
happy birthday girl
Dude – those are so flippen cute…..I want a pair!
23 years old?!?!
Oh my God I feel old.
PS. Love the gloves.
Chris, My “everydays” are bright yellow (but I’ve never heard them referred to as “marigolds…I might just have to start calling them that, it’s soooo much more fun 🙂 ).
Karmyn, the Candy remark made me lol…does that mean I’m a baaaad person???
T.O.Bear…I LIKE the way you think! And wow, I’ve picked up ANOTHER word to introduce into my vernacular…I’m feelin’ pretty swishy right now :).
Whooooa! Where the heck did y’all come from? I’m sitting here minding my own business replying to a few comments, and in walk three trouble-makers. Here I go again….
LCO, you’re my first serenade…which is a bit early…but I L O V E D every note!
Kristy…Maybe I should have a contest and offer a pair as a prize….except I stink at hosting contests, lol.
Jenny, Let’s do the math, I was legal the year it was released, and you were, what, in 5th grade??? You NEED a pair while you’re cleaning out your old house and cleaning in the new…. (huh?)
I’ve seen gloves like that and been tempted to purchase them but it seems decadent to have fancy gloves for cleaning the toilet!
oh, MAN! I *so* dig the gloves!!!! I have never seen them and they aren’t anywhere local for me – durn it! I could be “da bomb” or “swish” or whatever the current cool term is while scrubbing commodes in those!!!! Of course, they’d look better on someone else if they were cleaning my commodes 😉
Happy birthday, Robin!
Beccy, What’s wrong with decadent toilet cleaning?? 😉
Suz, They don’t have ’em at The Rollin Pin?? Surely, as shop as swishy as they are would carry this fine accessory…surely!
Umm, I agree with the lookin’ better on someone else cleaning for ya, though!
Cute gloves!! Happy Birthday!
Oh, and he gave her a music box.
Nothing’s wrong with decadent toilet cleaning, I’d rather spend the money on something else decadent!!!!
Of course if someone was giving me the gloves…..
Those gloves are fabo!!! However, french maid didn’t enter my mind…i’m thinking more black leather and fishnets!! LOL!!
Tracey, I LOVELOVELOVE music boxes! How could I not remember?? Thanks for the 4-1-1 :).
Beccy, Mmmmmmm…thinking of LOTS of things right now :).
Claudia, Oooooooo, I think you might just be on to something. Maybe I should go shopping…;)
I could swear I made a comment here last night.
I think that is snake slither on the post card.
A belated birthday blessing – and many more