If there was ever a doubt as to whether or not advertising has an affect on me, I need to go no further than the Mac commercials.
I love ’em. They’re intelligent, provocative in a sensitive kind of way, and satisfyingly humorous.
Mac users are fiercely loyal–goodness knows I’ve read enough about the blaffair between man and machine from people like Mark, who until he got mired in life and law school papers and finals, wrote a regular Saturday post offering Mac tips.
The commercials are so effective, I need WANT a Mac! Of course, the on-going problems we’ve had with our PCs factor in; even my relatively new laptop is misbehaving. Too bad there’s not a Mac store nearby where I can drive the salespeople stark-raving mad from all my questions experiment for fun! They’d be teaching a VERY old dog some new tricks better suited for the young and frisky pup.
The marketing mind behind this series of commercials deserves a raise; as a former marketing (cough cough) professional, I bow to his/her prowess. Surely, they’ve won industry awards!
With my undue affection for, of all things, an ad series, it’s no wonder the following youtube parodies caught my eye. They’re from the "Christian No More" series from Community Christian Church. There’s been some debate in the Christian community as to whether or not they’re too snarky, condescending or mean-spirited; as for me, I just appreciate the humor. While I do think they’re constructed to strike a chord and provoke thought and conversation, I don’t think there’s malice or intent to sow discord.
Whatever the case, once you watch one, it’s hard not to keep going.
HT: ysmarko
go to apple.com and they will have a list of mac certified stores! They might have one near you!! 🙂
Ooo, ooo, I really NEED a MAC also. There is not an Apple store near me, bummer.
I told you I would be back. Oh, I didn’t mean that to be creepy.
Interesting! I’ve never seen these videos before (and I watched EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. !!) Definitely thought provoking – it sounds like a LOT of conversations I’ve been having lately. I’m torn really. So much has changed since I was in church as a kid…wait…was this post about Macs and PCs or worship styles… ?
Clever, clever parody.
Ok, I love my mac. And it’s not because I just like to be different, though that’s true too. I do a lot of development on various Unix operating systems and working on the new Macs makes this a lot easier. But I also like their workmanship. My MacBook Pro is just over a year old and I haven’t had to have it serviced, haven’t had to re-install the operating system, haven’t had to do anything but enjoy it.
On the commercials, I do find them quite entertaining as well.
Not a huge fan of the christian-ized version, though I did get a couple of chuckles in. I don’t think snarky is the right adjective for them. I think they’re inconsistent. So, the Christ follower does believe in studying? And the Christian doesn’t believe in evangelism? Hmm… I think I’ve been down this name calling path before.
Love those commercials! (Both sets… I posted alink to those Christian/Christ-follower vids a while back) I’m in severe Mac envy as well, but I know that I will be getting one this year. My husband has already given me the green light. YAY.
I have become a converted “mac follower” 🙂 I love my little macbook and hardly want to use our other computer anymore.
Those videos are very cool! I give them points for creativity and edginess.
Those Mac commercials are hilarious! All we have are Mac computers…..since day one in 1996! We did have one very needy pc a few years ago….an emachine. Now my husband’s ibook has Windows on it too for the things they don’t make in Mac format.
I was laughing and cringing at the same time at the Christian commercials. 😉
Oh, and about the Wonder Years post. I found that on tv lately too! It’s ION tv and we pick it up on an hd receiver. Love it!
Since day one in 1996??? I learned to program on a Mac in 1985.
I too want a Mac – I’ve fallen victim to the advertising.
and as far as those parodies go – kind of funny – BUT – also making fun of traditional religion/church wasn’t so nice.
Claudia, done…and it looks like I’d have to drive an hour and a half to get there…dang it.
Beckie, I’m a blogger, not creepy at all ;).
Susan, it’s pretty much like many of my posts–WHO THE HECK KNOWS?! 😉
MikeY, I almost linked you with Mark :)… Re: the parodies, considering they were intended for a particular congregation, to be taken in context with additional sermons/conversation/whatever, I’m sure they were NOT designed to promote name callin’ (but I hear ya). I guess I posted them with MY perspective in mind, and I think they hit a nerve; Why is it many Christians are distancing themselves from the word “Christian”? While it’s often said we’re the only group who shoot our wounded, again, I’ll suggest I don’t think these were intended to take shots at people who think differently OR traditionally. Instead, I think they were very tongue in cheek…yes, provocative, but no ill will.
Karen, N I C E. I’ll be curious how your transition goes.
Heather, lol, you’re one of “those”, hmmm…I’m just a wannabe :).
Crickl…another Mac-ie, huh? Did I ask you @ the Wonder Years? I’m confused…
WT, Do you have a Mac now???
Karmyn, Okay…great…just great. Your comment got to me because I would NEVER want to be guilty of making fun of “traditional religion/church”–maybe a “laugh with me” kind of thing, never “laugh AT me”, though (but as I write that, I’m thinking, the REAL thing I would never want to hurt/disparage is the name of Christ….). My faith is evolving, transitioning from a very traditional background to one that’s more…hmmmm…generous (in acceptance, tolerance…others) without need to always be “right”. I thought the ads did a good job at reminding ALL of us no one has it completely right. GLAD you helped me remember to think carefully before I post something that could be taken in a manner other than what I intend. Of course, I’ll never be able to remedy THAT completely!
Dear robin. These ads are so funny, especially the last one (that you’ve streamed). “My sword wchyu wchyu.” Struck a chord with me – there’s many differences between my family (catholic) and my husband’s family (pentecostal). They don’t see eye to eye. Luckily, Mr Moi and I do, so I guess that’s all that matters!
that’s a shame!! a road trip for a computer just doesn’t seem right.
I think the guy portraying a Christian in the adds hurts or disparages the name of Christ not the adds themselves. As far as the adds making fun of traditional church or religion, I don’t think they do. I think they are making a statement about people who play games by adopting the name of Christ and calling themselves a Christian. If he represents traditional church, then the tradional church has a problem. I thought the adds were very observative, especially the last one about the Christ follower simply living his life so that others could see Christ in him rather than having to check this or that book off his list or display a t-shirt or bumper sticker professing his faith. Just my 2cents
I am neither mac or PC. I am inventing my own computer.
It will only have one button, can fold laundry, can make you look 10 lbs slimmer on your webcam, walks dogs, balances chequebooks and tells you that you are beautiful everyday.
Let’s me know if you want in on the prototype.
Watched all those videos… I think we have the same sense of humor, not to mention some of the same, ahem, views. I cracked up! I loved, “Got my trusty sword… King James Version.” And of course, the J-pod. LOL!
Love my Mac.
Oh, and years ago I just put myself in the catagory of “Jesus Freak” and decided to be done with it. No matter who I’m talking to, they think I’m weird and freaky, and if you’re going to be a “freak” for anything…
Robin, I’m with ya. I don’t think there was necessarily ill will. But I pick up on the distinctions being made. It’s how I’m wired. 🙂
Dear Little Miss Moi, sounds like y’all navigated some … interesting waters!
Chas…Know why I won’t put a Jesus bumper sticker on my car? Yeah, I thought you knew…you’ve seen me drive…:/ ;).
Marnie, YOU ROCK!! OH, yeah, babeeee, I want me one of those. Do you need a venture capitalist to finance your business???
Rachelle, I think I might’ve found ’em a bit TOO amusing, lol.
Steph, Ah HA! I KNEW it!!! You’re a freak in the best sense of the word! You’re a freak, I’m a freak…I’m pretty sure there’s a song in that somewhere…!
MikeY, cool brutha :).