…she, Bobby and Jamie gave me a call on their way through Chattanooga over the weekend; Phil-their-webmaster knew it was my birthday and he wanted to Make!My!Day! And…this is o.n.l.y. a slight possibility…but they’re talkin’ about bringin’ some bloggers in to live-blog "Paula’s Party", and even though I’m just a baby blogger, they really think I’m nice and I might get to at least be an audience member….!!!!!
Can you believe I kept this video footage quiet until now??? Neither can I!
** Updated with the video Phil took…
Related links:
When Phil discovered me.
When I admitted how close Paula and I have become.
Guess what? You’ve just been RickRolled!!!
Better than my pregnant thing from last year!
HT to BooMama…she started it 😉
Sorry, I’m lost…
Won’t it be funny (NOT) if NO ONE GETS IT???
Good googlie-mooglie…y’all will be laughing AT me, not WITH me daggum it.
PHIL!! PHIL!! WHERE ARE YOU? Can you arrange my post so it’s actually TRUE????
ARG…I was really getting excited for you! I am an avid Paula Deen fan..have all the books, have been to the restaurant 3 times, vacation in Savannah, etc..etc… And you just really got us on that April Fool’s joke.
Isn’t she a riot though?? I actually met and talked to the lady that bartended Paula’s 60th bday bash and she showed us all kinds of pictures. It was cool.
Have a great day..
RUDE! You’re the second one today to put me through that! 🙂 Funny girl
You are sooooooooooooooooooooooo NOT funny!!! lol I was all excited and then read “YOUR” first comment and was like….awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! =(
AS I read that post, I wondered ‘Is she April Fooling us?’. AND – YOU WERE.
Okay – I remember being totally in LOVE with Rick Astley. And now that I look at him – he was just a skinny little nerd guy and really bad dancer. hahahaha
You are still so much closer to Paula Deen than I will ever be!
I’d like you to sign my cookbook for her…but be careful, I drooled on all the really good pages.
LOL! Happy April Fool’s Day to you too. 😛
Alyce, I t h i n k you might actually be a tinch closer to Paula than me!
SHB, hehehe…I bought it hook, line and sinker!
Jeannie, it really was kinda at the last minute–I saw it elsewhere and HAD to post it :).
Karmyn, isn’t that funny? I had a fleeting thing for Leif Garrett and THAT I just do NOT understand now….
Do I sign my name or hers? Or Phil’s? Or the brothers??? (I’d add my drool, too).
Thanks, Amber!
Glad I read the comments. The video went right over my head too. Some people are SO good at the April Fool’s Day thing – not me!
That is the SECOND time today I was RickRolled!
I was just about to tell you to QUIT BRAGGIN’… LOL…
Stinker!! I was lookin’ for video of you with Paula.
(I am so naive!!)
Didn’t even click, I just assume that it’s a Rick Roll. Oh, all right, here I go, back in a sec…… Yep, yet another dose of blinding white and red Rick goodness.
Just couldn’t stop myself. On the subject of Paula’s Party, we have something really big coming up, but I can’t say anything yet. You, my favorite blogger, will be one of the first to know!
BTW, this is my favorite Rick Roll video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KANI2dpXLw
Jennifer, I missed it at first, too! Great minds??? Not-so-great minds…??? 🙂
Christy, hehe…and to think I never heard of it before today!
Jen, umm, yeah…hardly braggin’, I’m afraid! Rickroll’d is the next best thing to bein’ Punk’d!
Phil, You’re a TEASE??? Who woulda thunk it?! How long will I have to wait???? (and I LIKED your version of the RR so I changed my link…thanks!) :).
So I’ve been out for surgery, come back here to “catch up” and see this. I was so mad I missed it all and click over to see Hilarious Muppets Bloopers – then I clicked on the comments and saw it was a joke.
Damn, that was a good one.
But Phil – what is up with Paula’s Party? You KNOW Robin and her tribe (you know that includes me) would be AWESOME live bloggers for that, right?!!!
Good one! Happy April Fool’s Day!