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It seems unless you upgrade to the paid account, only one Mr. Linky can be featured on your blog at a time. Since I’m cheap I don’t have my credit card handy, and for the sake of simplicity and my your convenience, if you wrote a poem for Pensieve’s Poetic License today, include "PPL" with your name when you link; likewise, if you wrote an entry for Friday’s 40-or-less Photo Challenge, include "F40". If you’re an over-achiever and wrote a post for both, be creative–you earned it!
It’s never to late to join in! Grab a badge, invite your friends, and write away! Click the badges above to access FAQs pages, the links below for specific details for today.
June Poetic License Details
Details for this week’s Friday’s 40-or-less Photo Challenge
I’m still workin’ on my entries, but I know some of y’all are obnoxious completed yours early, so go ahead…link…mix and mingle at your leisure…I’ll drop by the party a little later :).
Should I apologize for being an “over-achiever?” I did both (PPL & F40), but I felt especially challenged this week, and I love a good challenge. Thanks Robin. This has been fun, as usual.
This is my first time. I usually always post photos…My camera is simply and extension of my arm so have photos to go with the poem. I have no idea if this goes along with your 40 or less challenge?? Catch you on twitter ?
I did not read the directions till after I linked. My bad. It is a PPL, ma’am.