Think "pink" and what is your mental default?
- An ice cream parlor (studies suggest pink stimulates sweet cravings)?
- Little girls in ribbons and lace?
- Valentine hearts & roses?
…or breasts?
During the month of October, I suppose many of you are like me–thinking about National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. E.V.E.R.Y.where you turn, retailers and corporate America turn shades of pink themselves, so unless you’re living under a rock, you already know this.
My long-time blog friend, Kathy (aka the Swampwitch) is hosting a month-long tribute to those who’ve battled cancer. She’s celebrating survivors and honoring those who lost the fight. If you or loved ones fall into either category, you’re invited to join her. Here are the reasons I most despise cancer, and why I want to encourage you to "do something"–

My daughter and I joined a group from our school, and for the second year in a row, walked in our local Race for the Cure. If you’ve never participated, I wish you’d consider doing so–the affirming atmosphere will overwhelm you. Another FANTASTIC way to give to others is to click this every day! Bookmark it, then just click it! Sponsors, in turn, will donate mammograms to those in need.
Below you’ll find a running list of personal weblog postings and businesses who support research for breast cancer. If you’ve written an applicable post or know of a company I can include in this listing, will you leave your/their URL in comments (thanks!) Wouldn’t it be cool if it was a mile long???
- Swampy’s Stomp Through Blogville Against Breast Cancer
- National Breast Cancer Foundation
- Yoplait Yogurt (donates 10 cents/lid to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, up to $1.5 million)
- Susan’s Snaps & the Susan Carver Foundation (whom I discovered at the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show in Atlanta)
- yours?
You are Too Too Sweet for words, my friend. You know that when I started that post, you and your family members were on my mind(s).
May I have permission to post your beautiful tributes on my Breast Cancer Awareness post?
A very dear friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer just a week and a half ago. I have two postings on my blog ( about this. They express my very fresh, raw, real, and personal feelings about this horrifying disease. Thank you for your tribute today, and I can assure you that every time I see the color pink I immediately say a prayer for my friend and everyone else who has been touched by breast cancer.
My dear Robin,
You owe me for a new site-meter ! Mine just blew up ! Actually, it’s still smoking and my smoke alarm is wailing in the background. Can you hear it?
I had forgotten about Stumble-Upon…wow ! So wish I was getting paid for all those hits. Let me know how much I owe you.
My daughter Amanda and her daughter, Curlymop walked in one in Portland…
The week we buried our SIL, another friend was diagnosed…but her prognosis looks good.
It was so great to meet you at Blissdom ’08; and thanks for sharing so much valuable information about blogging and social media. I learned a ton from you gals.
I’m especially happy that I found this post. I am presently training to walk in the Breast Cancer 3-Day on November 7, 8 & 9 in memory of my Grandma Joy. I’ve been writing a post about her and this journey weekly since July. I’d love it if you could pop over to my little ‘ole blog and rock on the porch with us anytime!
And keep telling your peeps to Feel Their Boobies!