Think "pink" and what is your mental default? 

  • Little girls in ribbons and lace?
  • Valentine hearts & roses?

…or breasts?

During the month of October, I suppose many of you are like me–thinking about National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  E.V.E.R.Y.where you turn, retailers and corporate America turn shades of pink themselves, so unless you’re living under a rock, you already know this.

My long-time blog friend, Kathy (aka the Swampwitch) is hosting a month-long tribute to those who’ve battled cancer.  She’s celebrating survivors and honoring those who lost the fight.  If you or loved ones fall into either category, you’re invited to join her. Here are the reasons I most despise cancer, and why I want to encourage you to "do something"–




My daughter and I joined a group from our school, and for the second year in a row, walked in our local Race for the Cure.  If you’ve never participated, I wish you’d consider doing so–the affirming atmosphere will overwhelm you.  Another FANTASTIC way to give to others is to click this every day!  Bookmark it, then just click it!  Sponsors, in turn, will donate mammograms to those in need.   

Below you’ll find a running list of personal weblog postings and businesses who support research for breast cancer. If you’ve written an applicable post or know of a company I can include in this listing, will you leave your/their URL in comments (thanks!)  Wouldn’t it be cool if it was a mile long???

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