Oh, my ever-lovin' word–
Twitter doesn't just suck time enlighten you in 140 characters or less; now it saves you money!! Thanks to @WeareTHATfamily for passing along the 4-1-1 (who heard about it first from BooMama, Queen of the South).
If you've a) ever wanted to learn about the South from the inside/out, or b) wanted to subscribe to Southern Living but didn't have the extra cash to justify it, now is the time to subcribe.
I found a link in Amazon to help you out…HURRY, BEFORE THIS RATE EXPIRES!!
{p.s. Got a favorite Southern Living recipe? DO SHARE in comments, please! I love me some yummy Southern food!}
Thanks – I had a $5 Amazon gift card so I got it free 🙂
Robin, THANK YOU!!!
How convenient is THAT? For me, $5 is the next best thing to free 🙂
I love a bargain…and I love to share the bargains! You’re welcome!! 🙂
Girl! I know!!! I was so excited! (As you can tell by all the !!!) That’s the THIRD magazine subscription I’ve gotten from a Twitter link =all for $5 each!
I just got it!! So fun thanks for sharing on Twitter.
I did it!
My absolute fav mag in the world! It is too costly 4 this working mom 2 justify the xtra expense, especially w/2 boys involved in sports….now I can. Thank you, Robin!
Take care!
Ah…I you Robin!
Love this magazine and I was just waiting to find it for $10 which is usually a great deal. This is a FANTASTIC deal. Thank You!
I love me some Southern Living!
And this reminds me that I need to get cooking and posting some recipes on my blog..way behind.
Yowza!! I cancelled my subscription a few years back (when they made all those nasty changes), but I’ve been missing it. I’ll try it again for $5. I just signed up!
Thanks for the head’s up, Robin.
Wow! Awesome, thank you. Where do I go to get the twitter updates for the magazine deals?
WOO HOO!! WOO HOO!! WOO HOO!!! Did this w/ Real Simple a few weeks back! THANKSSOMUCH!!!