One of my happiest childhood memories is licking the bowl. Didn't matter whether it was a batch of cookies or batter for a cake, there was something deliciously forbidden about swirling my index finger around the rim of the bowl and savoring the sticky sweetness of sugar and flour and butter–oooh my!
Susie's mom was the best–she actually left extra in the bowl so there really was enough to savor. In our home, the bowl was nearly scraped clean; threading tongue through stainless beaters usually yielded a better reward. Had the beaters been razor sharp, I'd probably be mute by now.
I've never lived in fear of salmonella poisoning from eating raw eggs. If I think about that too long, it kind of wigs me out, but I've never gotten sick from eating batter or dough and I've never known anyone else to, either.
My husband is a raw dough and batter boy; my children are raw dough and batter kids. We feel sorry for those who deny themselves the simple pleasure.
The other night my daughter decided to make chocolate chip cookies. I don't know this for a fact, but I'd wager a quarter of the dough never made it to the pan. When she finished the last batch, she began "pre-cleaning" the bowl.
It's important to know she likes chocolate chips in the finished cookie, but her preference is to eat the dough plain. With no one else around, she accomplished this by scraping dough from the bowl's sides and spooning it in her mouth…but the chips went back into the bowl.
With cookies in the oven for 12-15 minutes, Rachel went up to her room; shortly after, my husband came in from work. He saw the bowl of dough sitting on the counter, grabbed a spoon and started scraping….
…never questioning why there might be a disproportionate amount of chips.
They aren't making eye contact and still aren't speaking.
Photo credit: Strychnine on Flickr
LOL! That is TOO funny!!!
Oh Robin. I love you. And that is hilarious.
We always made sugar cookies at Christmas as a family. I think it was almost a competition to see who could eat the most dough in secret!
My good friend “The MawMaw” had a really cute post about licking the bowl:
I'm only laughing because it wasn't ME who ate spit-out chocolate chips, lol :).
a) Thanks for sharing that link, and b) now THAT sounds like a worth-while friendly competition :). Love it!
😀 😀 One of my favorite things, too. All of us prefer the dough over the finished product. I’ve never been so thankful, though, that beaters aren’t razor sharp – LOL!
Oh, we were having AnodeMan Gravy at my place yesterday ! Chocolate Chips and Gravy. Hmmmm.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I miss you so much that I sometimes think about having a trashy challenge just to get you back into my life.
Babe, you should SEE how much I recycle these days…and it all started with my swampalicious friend!
Did you know I've gone back to work? It's part time but it's wrecking my online time! I DO miss you and am trying to do my level best to get back to some regular reading of the oldiesbutgoodies. You need to hop on Twitter, BTW…I can smack you around in 140 characters or less…and at least we might stay in more frequent touch.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING SWAMPY! Love to you and all!! xo
Oh how I love a good cookie dough! And I’m w/ you, if I think about it too long it weirds me out, but I just don’t dwell.
Thanks for the laugh this morning!
Love this story, and love you. Miss you darlin!
That sounds like something that would happen in our family. Actually, our family wrestles for the extra dough.
Now THAT’S funny!!!!! It could have happened here too!
Let’s add one more to the mix – homemade ice cream. I make no excuses for it, but I continue to use raw eggs. No one has ever gotten sick (although I accept no liability going forward either). My mom made it once with a cooked mixture – yuck! It tasted like custard or something. Definitely wasn’t ice cream.
I actually prefer chocolate chip cookie dough to the baked cookies. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Mmm, when I make cookie dough, it’s more likely to see the inside of my tummy than the oven!
Happy Thanksgiving.
Too funny!!!
I am one of those who has lived a dough-free life. We ate a bit of it I guess, but my mom would tell us we shouldn’t eat it cause of the raw eggs. So now, I still can’t get past the raw eggs thing! Although I want to eat it…
bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha.
cookie dough is never safe – especially with extra chips.
Simple! Make dough w/out eggs…and eat it! 😉
Laughed my head off…I don’t eat dough, not for fear, just don’t like it (save the creamy mixture of butter & sugar prior to the flour). This may gross you out, but from time to time I do enjoy a raw egg in a glass of milk with a touch of sugar and vanilla. 🙂 Just found your blog through a tweet recommendation…love it. 🙂