Frozen fairy dust
Magic sprinkled from Heaven
Sin cleansed white as snow.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A long time ago in a far away land, I hosted a . I loved
encouraging others to write poetry, something I discovered for myself as delight
only in my forties. It jazzed me to read those who already enjoyed the creative
exercise, but especially for those who didn't yet have muscle but were willing to try. I was always impressed by contributions.
Eventually, I let it drop. I was somewhat driven by how many
participated and Pensieve's Poetic License never quite caught on to the
Which is about the stupidest thing you'll see me EVER write, because
value of something important to you should never be qualified with who
else "likes" it! {do I hear an "AMEN!"?} This, I know but sometimes forget.
I've missed it. A lot. A few friends have even told me they missed PPL. When I was thinking through what I should write for January's (in)courage post, "encourage readers to write poetry" rattled around in my brain louder than anything else.
So…I did. And my heart sang. And my spirit danced. And my soul burped satisfaction.
Which is kind of poetic, right???
I invite you to ; we're beginning the year with suggesting readers exercise their creativity, and if they want more, we'll continue to offer ideas/prompts through the year. Link a poem for to the post and one random-but-lucky poet will win $25 at the (in)courage shop!
Regardless, I'm resurrecting Pensieve's Poetic License. Are you in? :) Let me know and I'll give you a gentle reminder when I post the monthly prompt. If it would help inspire you for this month's winter theme, feel free to use my photograph at top (taken during Chattanooga's "blizzard" a few weeks ago 🙂 ).
I can't wait to read what y'all write!
Thanks for your visit!
It's always an honor to me if you
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And for mad, 140-character thoughts, follow me on Twitter!
Great Grace! He is so good to us. Whiter than snow- Praise Him!
You uplift my spirit!
So did you, Rhonda! While you were writing your comment, I was spying on your blog! 🙂
Yes we’re washed in the blood, in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb!
Nice Haiku – and a lovely picture to match.
Why, thank you! 🙂
Wow, that is really lovely (both photo and poem). I think I’m going to try it (the haiku). It may take me all day to write these tiny little lines, but I’m going to take a stab. I’ll post my “masterpiece” on the (in)courage linky when I’m done. Thanks for giving me something new and challenging to strive for today!
Count me in for PPL. Sounds like fun!
Thank you, Michelle…and I'll keep an eye out for your link. Do your best to get it completed by the deadline so you can be included in the giveaway :).
Know this, I'm PROUD of you for stepping outside your comfort zone; at the end of the day, I think you're gonna be happy with yourself, too! 🙂
Let me know if you write one this time!! 🙂 It WILL be fun (it IS fun!!). Thanks, girlieQ.
Love this! Pic and poem. I have a secret love for poetry and similarly discovered it later in life. I have far more than I’ve written and my own prose are scattered through journals I’ve kept over the years. Coincidentally I have had a “how to” on writing poetry on my night stand the last few months, waiting to be read. I just started blogging but would love to have some encouragement to include poetry so count me in! And by the way Mary Oliver is my most recent favorite. She has some beautiful prose about wildlife and seasons.
I could be pursuaded to give it a try…as long as you promise not to laugh!
i love (in)courage, your blog, and this challenge. =)
Robin, it’s lovely to meet you! Your haiku is beautiful! I am an avid poetry lover, writer, liver. I think you should definitely resurrect your poetry link-up! And do remind me b/c I would love to join in : )
A beautiful picture of forgiveness. I am so happy you’ve decided to do this Robin. Suddenly poetry is springing up in several places in the blogging community. I really like it!
I think the biggest part of "how to" is JUST DO IT! It's so easy to be intimidated because we think we aren't good "enough", but the truth is, once you start, it's hard not to love it. Working through the process, precision of words…and I DO love your secret love for poetry. I get that :).
ONLY if you mean for me to! Please DO try! xo
Thank you, thank you and THANK! YOU!! xo
Joye, GirlieQ, nice to meet YOU! But I might be intimidated because I "hear" your passion for this form. Nah…you're just going to encourage and inspire me to up my game :). I love that–iron sharpening iron! Can't wait to see your goods!
Linda, Well, how 'bout that? I haven't seen others writing poetry (work and limited time has probably kept me from clicking around….). So pleased to learn of your interest in this…hope we meet again soon!
I love that God’s mercy and grace are fairy dust from heaven sprinkling forgiveness over the earth. Wonderful Robin! Thank you for the challenge!
Okay, I’m officially in on the next PPL — I’m totally hooked! Thank you for nudging me to step out of my comfort zone — it was fun to write the haiku, and really fun to click around and read everyone’s.
Oh, and I just wanted to apologize for spelling pensieve incorrectly on my blog post today (I fixed it!). I have to go look up that word…don’t know what it means! 🙂
I love poetry and writing it too! Even before I caught up with my reading (blogs), I posted one. Because His art takes my breath away. Love your Haiku! How fun…thanks for the challenge, because reading what others wrote, is such heart. Love it.
yes. remind me. I’ll write if the spirit moves me.
I’ve been lacking
When I think of "magic", I don't thing of hocus pocus…instead, I see wonder and beauty and amazement :). Magic!
hehe, I can promise you this, PENSIEVE is not pensive misspelled! (I've had readers try to correct me, lol). And no worries, unless you're a fan of the Harry Potter series, you wouldn't know what it is. But guess what? As part of a future poetic challenge, you will have to WRITE A PENSIEVE! Yes ma'am…I totally invented a poetic form and named it after my blog. And I love it :).
SO glad you're up for the challenge! That makes my heart smile.
Oooo! Eager! That's GREAT! Thanks for your kind words and I love hearing how everyone is clicking around. For a first-time deal, this little carnival is going smashingly well :).
Tell me about it, sister. You and I? We go so far back we should be a little tired!
Beautiful poem and gorgeous picture to match!
Icy window frame
Cold surrounding wood and pane
Light shines unhindered
I want to do PPL as well, gimme a nudge when the time comes?
Gorgeous pic and poem. Love that first line, especially!
I’m posting a roundup Wednesday on my blog of all the online regularly-occurring poetry prompts. Can I include PPL? How should I list it? Will it occur at the same time each month? Should people email you (which addy?) to be notified? Glad to hear you’re starting this back up, Robin!
Oh, I just love this! And the picture is gorgeous 🙂
Thanks, Dorie :).
V e r y smart, Catherine. Framed light and I f e e l the frostiness of your words. Nicely done. Extremely.
Gladly…you will add much. This, I know!
Thank you!! 🙂
Whiter than snow. And that’s pretty darn white. 🙂 Thank you for the reminder of grace. 🙂
🙂 Always my pleasure ;).
Laura, I was going to write you about this; I just didn't have the details yet (from when you asked me on a different post!). I would LOVE for you to include PPL. Let me think about the details of it, but yes, it will be posted around the same time monthly. If people let me know they're interested (by emailing pensieve(dot)me(at)gmail(dot)com, I'll add them to an email distribution reminder list. THANK YOU (and I'll write later today when I decide 🙂 ).
love the whimsical description of snow … and “sin cleansed white as snow” – Amen!
I love the PPL idea, Robin! Especially after trying a haiku for the first time in ages for your InCourage challenge. Thank you! I’m subscribing to your blog now so I don’t miss it. 🙂