
Frozen fairy dust

Magic sprinkled from Heaven

Sin cleansed white as snow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A long time ago in a far away land, I hosted a .  I loved
encouraging others to write poetry, something I discovered for myself as delight
only in my forties.  It jazzed me to read those who already enjoyed the creative
exercise, but especially for those who didn't yet have muscle but were willing to try.  I was always impressed by contributions. 

Eventually, I let it drop.  I was somewhat driven by how many
participated and Pensieve's Poetic License never quite caught on to the

Which is about the stupidest thing you'll see me EVER write, because
value of something important to you should never be qualified with who
else "likes" it
!  {do I hear an "AMEN!"?}  This, I know but sometimes forget.


I've missed it.  A lot.  A few friends have even told me they missed PPL.  When I was thinking through what I should write for January's (in)courage post, "encourage readers to write poetry" rattled around in my brain louder than anything else.  

So…I did.  And my heart sang.  And my spirit danced.  And my soul burped satisfaction.

Which is kind of poetic, right??? 

I invite you to ; we're beginning the year with suggesting readers exercise their creativity, and if they want more, we'll continue to offer ideas/prompts through the year.  Link a poem for to the post and one random-but-lucky poet will win $25 at the (in)courage shop!

Regardless, I'm resurrecting Pensieve's Poetic License.  Are you in?  :)  Let me know and I'll give you a gentle reminder when I post the monthly prompt.  If it would help inspire you for this month's winter theme, feel free to use my photograph at top (taken during Chattanooga's "blizzard" a few weeks ago 🙂 ).

I can't wait to read what y'all write! 


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