Let’s blame it on my youngest son:  now I’m compelled to watch a reality show I had no interest in until the little squirt asked, “Mom?  Wanna watch ‘America’s Got Talent’ with me?”

The Bambi eyes did me in.

That first night I happened upon a performance so captivating, so unique, I’ve adopted them as my personal cause célèbre–

Fighting Gravity

Here’s why I think the frat boys from Virginia Tech will win:

  1. Originality, innovation and mass appeal.
  2. They’re black light illusion performers, and their show is fresh, imaginative and never been done before.  Though you know how they do what they do, you don’t quite know how they do what they do :).

  3. Their story.

    Fighting Gravity is a group of 13 temporarily-on-sabbatical college students from Virginia Tech.  They’re a band of brothers from Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity who have no prior dance training or professional choreography.  They’re sons who hope to inspire others by showing that through hard work, determination, and some good lighting, anybody can accomplish their dreams.  Their mamas and daddies have GOT to be bursting with pride right about now!  

  4. Competition, schmopetition
    IMeversoHO, Jackie Evancho, though ridiculously prodigically talented and worthy of a career beginning YESTERDAY, she won’t win.  While singers have dominated since the show’s inception, those who care enough to vote are ready for something different.  Mass appeal, novelty, and FG’s undeniable Cool Factor will give them the edge they need to win. 
  5. Seein’ is believin’   

Don’t take my word for it…WATCH!  I would LOVE to see these guys in person!  

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