Links I loved, laughed at or learned from…or otherwise thought worthy of your time ~ 

  • I can barely stand to read Ann Voskamp's brilliantly poetic prose because it's like looking at the sun; but in her case, it's like looking at the Son.  Its radiance is incomparable, light-giving and life-sustaining greater than any star. Rare, exquisite, and drenched in truth and seeking, "…" will give you a taste.
  • MercyHouseButtonWe're connected in a couple of ways–(in)courage contributors and Compassion Bloggers–but has blown me away with her follow-through after her heart was shattered in Kenya.  As a result, Mercy House was born.
  • An interesting read by Tom Hespas in Advertising Age, "; citing three brands that are getting it right.
  • Tori Taff aka Baby Bloomr asks "Did you know that 41% of teens admitted to sending, receiving or forwarding a text that said something sexual, but only 11% of parents thought their teens had ever participated in this type of behavior?!"  Somehow she manages to segue from that to !!!
  • , you're bound to get ideas!  From The Stories of A2Z.
  • If you have teenagers or will some day, be sure to check out Parenting Teens ~ and at Simple Mom's (don't miss the comment conversation!).




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