Fall-leaves It's our kids' Fall break this week and while others are sneaking off to the beach or lake or visiting family and friends, we are experiencing the rigors of having a child who's a senior in high school.  What does that mean for us?  

Fall break = college visits

My husband has also taken the week off to join me in this necessary rite of passage, which further means something else:

Fall break = blogging break

"Sorta," she says as she raises her left eyebrow.

It mainly means I'm waaay behind on replying to comments, and OF COURSE yesterday while we were practically on the road from dawn til dusk, not one, but TWO posts of mine were published on WONDERFUL sites elsewhere.  If you have time, please read ~

  • (at Simple Mom)
  • (at {in}courage)

If you're visiting PENSIEVE from either one of those spots, won't you say "Hi!"?  I'd love to know you were interested? intrigued? shocked? concerned? enough to visit my blog after reading my words over there :).

Oh, and also? .  Yes, if you're reading these words and you live close enough to make the drive–whether or not you're a blogger!–!

Your turn:  Is it Fall break for you?  Tell me what you're doin' to relax!

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