This, t h i s is why I love Dancing With the Stars–

…rising above adversity

…elegance, grace, intrigue…and a shimmer of sensuality

…devotion and a commitment to excellence.

Last night's Argentine Tango by Hines Ward and Kym Johnson is my favorite dance of the season; simply stunning, and that, after a wicked fall by the couple that could have rendered Kym undanceable (or worse).  It amazes me a football player could have such beautiful moves on the dance floor.

Watch the full eight-minute clip for the entire story; or if you just want the treat of a gorgeous dance, fast forward to the 2.40 mark.  You've gotta be dead if this doesn't make you a fan (unless you are already)!

This season's couples are fairly evenly matched and I couldn't be more pleased with the Final Four–Hines Ward, Kirstie Alley, Ralph Macchio and Chelsea Kane.  All are delightful and entertaining…but last night I might have chosen my pick for winner after being wishy-washy for weeks.

Got thoughts?  Do chime in!

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