Have you ever had people come into your life and, even if it's not intentional, make it more difficult?

Maybe they're critical or judgmental; they're excessively needy and demand more than you can give relationally, emotionally or physically; sometimes they take the opposite position of anything you say or do; or they're just plain mean, undermining or cruel with their words.

Sandpaper people I've called them…abrasive, irritating or generally rough to be around.

Are you like me and see them as thorns, prickly and inconvenient?  Have you shared Paul's lament and prayed for God to remove them from your side?   When someone closer to me is particularly trying– friends…family…or even my own children, I've begged God to change them.

Years ago as a young mom, I was struggling through an emotionally draining, almost soul-defeating season with a strong-willed child.  I read all the "right" parenting books; I prayed, earnest and unceasing, and plumbed the depths of scripture for treasureous wisdom; and I sought the advice and counsel of many.  

But it would be my father-in-law who would pose an inflammatory question that would ignite fiery indignation within me…changing me forever–


You're going to have to continue reading THIS one at incourage today ~ I hope you'll click through to finish Sandpaper People to see WHAT in the world my father in law said!!  It impacts me to this day.  

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