Two Centers - image by Robin Dance


He slipped in sideways between the closing elevator doors, as if he were late to a meeting; he pressed the “5″ without looking. Instead of suit and tie, though, baggy pants and faded navy hung on his tall, slim frame.

His stealth entry stiffened the hairs on the back of my neck.

I had noticed him a few seconds earlier, just after we had parted a sea of clamorous teens. He was smiling, grandfatherly, standing maybe 30 feet away where the downtown electric shuttle picks up.

I had no idea he had been watching us, studying us, predator patiently awaiting his next prey.

The four of us were sealed in a four-by-six-foot metal tomb. Tomb–that thought really muscled its way into my mind. I wondered if he had a knife in his pocket. I wanted to protect my son.

Fight or flight pumped adrenaline but there was no where to run.

Extreme and ridiculous, these thoughts and more flashed through my mind. The Stranger began speaking.


This is a revision of a story I’ve shared before, perfect reading for the Advent season.
Please continue at Deeper Story~Family?  It’s one of my favorites.



On another note, there’s important news at Deeper Story today (I joined the site as a writer for their Family channel last year.).  If you aren’t familiar, Deeper Story is place where storytelling collides with faith…and sometimes the result is edgy, controversial or explosive.  Writers ask and explore questions not always safe in traditional Christian circles, and if you have hard, unanswered questions, it might be a great read for you.  The writing is amazing.

Though my contributions might fall into the category of Deeper Story Light, they’re typically edgier for me pieces that fit better there than here or incourage.

The site is undergoing major changes in 2014, and we’re asking for reader support.  After you read my post, click on the “Story” tab at the top of the page and, please, join us.


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