by Robin | May 30, 2012 | Art, Poetry, When art imitates life
An Ode to Google Doodles They're King of the World Alexa says so Much to Mark Z-berg's chagrin. I've figured it out, I know what it takes For Google to squeak out this win. Hot in pursuit, top ten on the list: Facebook and You Tube and Wiki Amazon,...
by Robin | Sep 14, 2010 | Art, Funny Stuff!, Smiles, Social media, Twitter, When art imitates life
OhMyLanta…THIS had me rollin’ on the floor laughin’ body parts off! Dilbert FTW! But it begs the question: is it “defriend” or “unfriend”??? Seen any other funny cartoons or strips tongue-in-cheeking...
by Robin | Aug 3, 2010 | Family, Mom stuff, Nostalgia, Personal, Photos, Southern, y'all, Travel, When art imitates life
I love my hometown; though it was never as small, it’s Mayberry to me. A few weeks ago I went back to celebrate my niece’s first birthday. Since my parents aren’t living, it’s not a trip I make often enough. Walking though Five Points, I...
by Robin | Apr 4, 2009 | Humor, Twitter, When art imitates life
Art continues to imitate life as Twitter remains a target. My favorite recent comic– And a few snippits from Pultizer Prize winning columnist Leonard Pitts on why he won't Twitter his life away…"When I first heard of this latest advance (?)...
by Robin | Mar 2, 2009 | Funny Stuff!, Social media, Twitter, When art imitates life
Hmmm…if I'm not mistaken, I think Doonesbury doth mocketh twitter. Infidel! Are you on twitter? If so, how 'bout leave your best pitch or explanation for it in comments. Not on twitter? In comments, tell me why or ask...
by Robin | Jul 16, 2008 | 40-or-less Photo Challenge, Blog Carnivals, Chattanooga, Favorite things, Photos, When art imitates life
The past touches the future in a grandfather’s loving touch. In an ideal world, the influence of grandparents shapes and gives flight to a child’s dreams and imaginations in ways never intended for parents themselves. I suppose I romanticize...