by Robin | Dec 8, 2008 | Books, Contests, Giveaways, Product Review Giveaways
Just look at 'em–have you ever seen a more darling pair of pairs? Princesses Belle and Jasmine were over for a visit yesterday and they fell in love with Hal and Holly Moose; I had a hard time not sending Hal and Holly home with the girls. Especially...
by Robin | Nov 22, 2008 | Contests
Big Mama is on the prowl for the ugliest Christmas sweater you can find (in your closet, at the mall, on your mother-in-law–wherEVAH) . Prizes will be awarded. And for once? I really hope I don't win :).Rules? For a contest like...
by Robin | Nov 12, 2008 | Contests, Poetry, Product Review Giveaways, Thanksgiving
** VOTING’S CLOSED **And congratulations to my new friend, Amy, and my old friend, Karmyn, who after fierce battle, came away with the highest votes for their turkey odes. Snailmail your emails, girls…I’ll send those turkeys flying in your...
by Robin | Sep 18, 2008 | Awards and Bling, Blog friends, Contests, Personal
Thankyew, thankyewverymuch! How would you caption this piccha? Lady Why, who blogs at "Where the Kudzu Grows", had a "Name the Picture" contest a while back and I couldn’t resist. Even if she hadn’t dangled a soapy carrot,...
by Robin | Jun 5, 2008 | Contests, Music
Shannon doesn’t just have rocks in her dryer, she’s got rocks in her head! She’s teaming up with to give away 20–yes, twenty!-17-CD boxed sets to a bunch of lucky bloggers. I really wanna tell you NOT to enter the...
by Robin | May 6, 2008 | Blogging, Contests
[1] Here’ wants to know about your favorite mom and they’re dangling a $200 shopping spree for one lucky contributor. They might just include your thoughts in a feature on Mother’s Day, "Good Women, Great...