by Robin | Jan 20, 2009 | Faith, Politics, Religion
Where was I when Rick Warren gave the historic inaugural invocation today? Frustrated…in my car…racing to get home. Never before have I been so interested in watching this every-four-year event. Tied up until 11:50 a.m., I tuned my...
by Robin | Nov 4, 2008 | BIG Announcements, Favorite things, Food and Drink, Politics, Wow!
After you cast your vote, eat, drink and be merry–on the house!–with the help of a few familiar faces: Who knew doughnuts could be stinkin’ adorable AND patriotic? Red, white and blue, star-shaped…and FREE? Krispy Kreme turns...
by Robin | Oct 14, 2008 | Funny Stuff!, Politics
…or your funny bone is broken. It’s crush at first read. Jack Gray just found a new fan…. HT to BooMama.
by Robin | Sep 15, 2008 | Funny Stuff!, Politics, Videos
HT to Scribbit’s tweet with a link to
by Robin | Sep 6, 2008 | Politics
Following is an interesting…compelling…and telling visual from the recent Democratic and Republican National Conventions depicting word use in the speeches given. HT and thanks to Chrysalis via twitter. Original link from The New York Times...